Google Hangouts on Air are a tremendous tool for building connections online. However, you might not have considered how Google
Hangouts on Air can also be a fantastic source of search traffic? How you ask? Well, I am glad you are intrigued to learn more as we discuss the growing movement to use Google Hangouts on Air for search traffic.
Keep in mind that this article will discuss not only how to use Google Hangouts, but also the various ways your search traffic will be impacted.
Google Hangouts: How Do They Work
While I want to focus most of this conversation on how to use Google Hangouts on Air (HoA) for search traffic, let’s discuss how to run an HoA first. If you want to set up an HoA, go to the Home button on the right side of Google+.
Once you scroll your mouse over Home, you will see a menu pop up. Scroll halfway down the page, until you see Hangouts on Air. Click the icon, and then click Start A Hangout on Air button on the next page. All you need to do from here is follow the prompts to set up a Google Hangout on Air.
When you set up the HoA, remember to start inviting people to the hangout. You can do this by copying the hangout link, and/or clicking the Invite People button at the top of the menu on the right. Make sure your webcame and mic work, have your guests on first, and then hit Start Broadcast when you are ready to start. You now have a live HoA.
Note: Make sure you set up a Hangout on Air, not a regular Hangout. Google Hangouts do not get published to your YouTube account, which means they do not help your search traffic.
Three Ways to Use Google Hangouts for Increased Search Traffic
1. Social Search Traffic: To understand social search, we need to start with Google’s fascination with tracking our every move across the internet. Part of the reason they started Google+ was so they could better track what we search every day.
I initially could not understand why Google was so insistent upon Google+ when the social network clearly was lagging behind the competitors. However, as I delved into the site, I saw the brilliant search capabilities when used properly.
Google wants to know who likes you, follows, talks to you, and listens to your every word. They need to know this to be the primary search engine for the rest of the 21st century. To do this, the inevitable choice was to enter the social realm.
Facebook after all does have a decided advantage over Google. They have all the demographic information of close to a Billion subscribers with 9 years’ worth of data tracking every members move.
What does this have to do with Social Search? Well, consider the fact that every time you are on Google+ you provide a new opportunity for Google to highlight something you search for next time on Google search. What Google has done is show the posts of what people write on their social network.
Take this MeetWP Google HoA that I posted. This post comes up when you type in MeetWP. Why is this important? Well, I noticed a correlation between the number of hangouts I run, and an increase in my follower count on Google+. According to CircleCount, over the past 60 days my circles have jumped from around 3,500 to about 4,800.
Even more important than the rise is the fact that my posts are shown to a potential audience of close to 5,000 people whenever I write. While this might be a drop in the bucket compared to Mashable or Huffington Post, small business owners do not need their readership numbers to thrive.
2. YouTube Search Traffic: Next, this might be a no-brainer, but I will say it just in case. Quality videos create traffic in their own right.
For the past few years, Google has included more and more videos in their search results. These videos all come from YouTube. When you record your Hang Outs on Air, you create content that Google can place on Google search for more traffic. The best thing about Hangouts is that they automatically get posted to your YouTube account, for you to publish live.
Furthermore, when people comment on your video during the hangout they are providing the type of social signals Google loves to use for highlighting videos. HoA’s also provide instant views to your video.
In essence, Google is telling us that if you want search traffic, use our comment and video system, so we can track the event, and then send you additional traffic after the Hangout. How cool is that?
3. Content Traffic: The content from the hangout can be re-purposed in any number of ways. I can do a recap of the Google Hangout on Air with a short keyword rich video, or write posts from the ideas mentioned in the Hangout. Either way, this helps me create more content, because I can openly share ideas with others in my field.
In the end, using Google Hangouts on Air, is not just about the event, but also all the social signals and content created around the event as well. People share the event on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. They write blog posts telling their readers about the event. You build a brand, which also brings in search traffic at the same time.
However you use HoA, keep in mind how you can use the title of the event, and social traffic from the main event to create residual traffic to your videos, sites, and products for years to come.
Google Hangouts on Air Search Engine Powerhouse
HoA’s have the power to change your online marketing strategy. They are not only great for branding your business, but can bring in social, video, and search traffic that can help you find qualified buyers for your product who are interested in the value add approach you take to building your business. This is why over the past 6 months, I increased the amount of Google Hangouts that I run. Google Hangouts on Air work for creating qualified search traffic.
Andy Nathan is a blogger with 522 Video Production, helping them with their video production, blogging, and internet services team.