Best Travel Social Media Networks : Traveling 2.0

Summer is fast approaching and I already can’t wait to have some rest. Of course, the social media geek inside me made me get prepared for my upcoming vacation the web 2.0 way: by looking through available travel social media networks and seeing what they have to offer. So here are my personal picks:

Best Social Voting Site: BestTravelDeals

BestTravelDeals lets users share travel deals and vote for most useful of them.

Best City Page: has a strong focus on city profiles. The information provided for each city is really helpful and to-the-point:

  • Map;
  • Places to stay;
  • Places to eat;
  • QA section for members to help each other.

Check out this page for example:

Best Profile Pages: is a feature-rich travel community that is a pleasure to browse: everything seems to be where it belongs (not always SEO-friendly though but that’s not the point).

Profile pages are not overloaded with elements but look beautiful – what you’ll see there:

  • the member’s traveling map (places he has been to, places he plans to visit, places he wants to go to);
  • the person’s slideshow on each destination he visited;
  • brief traveler’s stats (photos, places visited, reviews);
  • person’s friends.

Best Social Features: TripSay

TripSay groups feature seems to be the bets way to unite various (virtual) travelers around common interest. Groups allows uses to:

  • Exchange experience and opinions on one topic;
  • Find travel buddies based in some common interest;
  • Give members ideas on where else to go and what to visit.

Example: breath-taking places:

Most Active Forum: Thorn Tree

Thorn Tree spots very simplistic interface but overwhelming number of areas covered and posts added daily.

Apart from area-related forums, you can also find here general topics like “health”, biking, traveling with kids, etc.

Disclaimer: I understand, the features I listed above are objective, so the site reviews in this post only represent my personal opinion. Please list your favorites in the comments!