Dominating the Google SERPs

Search engines started presenting results of 10 sites, with the occasional 1/3/7 local listing. But over time and with the introduction of universal search, the SERPs now present URLs, images, videos, news, and book listings. Despite the transition, there are websites who were able to stay on the top rank. Regardless of the changes, you can still maintain your rank if you know how to optimize your content.

Title and Descriptions

It would be a big help for your search engine optimization campaign if you know what keyword to incorporate on your content. Include your primary keyword on your title and description, so the search engine bots can index it. Just make sure that it’s written naturally, can still attract readers’ attention, and not keyword spammed. That way, you don’t just bring your content on the front row; you can also get your desired clicks.


When it comes to news writing, make sure that you incorporate your keywords on the title, Meta tag, and body. However, make sure that you strategically place your keywords. Otherwise, search engines your content will be flagged for keyword spamming. Include social bookmark button and post your news on these sites to gain additional exposure for your content. You can also dominate the SERPs by creating XML sitemap. This will feed the search engine bots with URLs and keyword-related information.


You can also optimize the images on your website even if it’s not in text format. Use a keyword-rich file name and alternative text, include it on your image’s caption, create an image XML sitemap, and upload your photos on a photo-sharing site.


Just like with images, use a keyword-rich file name, and use your selected search term on your video’s title, description and tag. You can also upload it on video-sharing sites, and include a link to your website on the description section. Creating a video XML sitemap can also help index associated keywords to your videos.


Making sure that their feed is error-free is one way for shopping sites to reign on SERPs. It should also have a keyword-rich product page, with proper product listing and page-naming convention. As for the product images, it’ll boost the site SEO if they incorporate the keywords on the file name and photo description.

Local Listings

There are ways on how your site listing can be integrated with local listing to boost your SEO campaign. Include rich snippets for each of your location page, and make sure that it has a link back to a relevant section on your site. Moreover, your local listing’s category and description should be relevant to your site’s theme.


Working on your SEO doesn’t mean focusing on your content alone. It can also help if you know how to incorporate your keyword to different content on your website, and share it to various bookmarking and listing sites.