6 Ways to Use Video Editing Software to Grow Your Brand Online

4. Boost Sales with Product Demonstration Videos

Demo videos are popular, and for good reason. They serve a variety of purposes, including:

Reducing skepticism.

Consumers were already skeptical before the pandemic, but the tidal wave of misinformation among informational sources put trust at an all-time low, according to the Edelman 2021 Trust Barometer.

Demo videos help to alleviate that lack of trust because you aren’t making an empty pitch and expecting customers to simply take your word — you’re showing them exactly what your product can do.

Explaining key features.

The beauty of demo videos is that they give you the ability to present your products in a matter-of-fact, conversational way instead of a pushy sales pitch.

Much like the psychology behind relying on content marketing instead of cold calls, this low-pressure approach is more appealing to consumers. It also gives you the opportunity to explain why your product is unique in the market and how it can solve your customers’ problems.

Saving time and money compared to live demos.

Even before the era of social distancing and limited capacity, your brand’s reach with an in-person sales rep was much more limited than its digital reach, especially in foreign markets. (Not to mention the expenses that add up when you factor in salary, travel, commission, accommodations, and other expenses that accumulate when sales reps travel.)

Now, all you have to do is send out a link, and anyone can see the product demonstration.

5. Embed Videos Directly into Your Website

Search engines love videos, which is good news for SEO ranking. Videos encourage your visitors to spend more time on your website while also offering better engagement than plain text or images.

Adding videos to your landing pages can improve conversions by 86%, making them powerful additions to the rest of your content.

There are tons of opportunities to utilize video on your website:

  • Product pages can show the products in use or modeled on a person.
  • The homepage can feature your latest collection launch.
  • Your “About Us” page could have a fun behind-the-scenes look at the company and the people who keep it running. That gives consumers a much better picture of who you are than a column of text could.

In the end, videos are all about engagement. It just makes sense to engage your audience directly on your website.

6. Incorporate Videos into Your Email Campaigns

Email and video were meant to be together. And don’t just take our word for it — adding videos to your email campaigns has been shown to increase clickthrough rates by as much as 300%.

Depending on your email marketing tools, there’s an extra opportunity to capitalize on video effectiveness by setting up viewing data to generate a workflow based on whether a customer watched the video, and if so, which video they saw.

For example, if a lead watches 80% of a demonstration video for your latest product update, that would be a prime opportunity to filter them into a particular sales funnel with similar follow-up content and an omnichannel approach with relevant ads.

How to Accomplish Your Video Goals with Movavi Editing Software

We’ve seen a lot of ways that video can work to your brand’s advantage by spreading awareness, increasing leads, and boosting web traffic, clickthrough rates, and SEO rankings.

But it’s important to remember that the quality of your videos is going to play a big role in defining your success.

Before you start creating your first video, consider the basics:

Video Context

Where is this video going to be featured?

Is it a targeted ad on social media, or an “About Us” video that’s going to be featured on your contact page?

Context matters. Be sure you’re setting the appropriate tone and delivering the right information.

Visitor Intent

What stage of the sales funnel is your target audience in?

Are the viewers being introduced to your brand for the first time, or are they already familiar with you and looking for more in-depth information about your products and services?


What do the viewers want?

What problem are they trying to solve, and what is your solution?

For example, an instructional video showing how to use your product is going to have a different look and feel than a promotional video advertising a flash sale.

All of these considerations should be carefully thought out as part of your initial strategy.

Once you have your plan, you need to have the right tools to bring your vision to life.

Cue Movavi.

We were tired of overpriced, complicated multimedia software solutions that were neither beginner- nor budget-friendly. So we set out to change the standard and make powerful editing programs available for anyone at any skill level and any budget.

Our mission is to create an environment that makes handling video, audio, and image files an enjoyable and time-saving experience. We want to give our users the tools they need to solve any multimedia task with our affordable, easy-to-use mobile, desktop, and online apps.

Our products work for both Windows and Mac. We offer everything you need to reach your video marketing goals:

  • Video Editor: Intuitive video-editing software that includes special effects, keyframe animation, ready-made intros, titles, filters, transitions, Chroma Key to change backgrounds, and more.
  • Video Converter: A lightning-fast converter capable of converting your media files into more than 180 formats. Transfer videos, music, and images to any platform or device while preserving the quality.
  • Screen Recorder: Software to easily record webinars, online calls, video instructions, tutorials, live streams, online events, and more. Our intuitive tool allows you to draw on your screen, use your webcam, show the mouse and keystrokes, and even schedule a recording to start automatically at the date and time of your choosing. This is a must-have program if you’re interested in screencasts.

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, our products are easy to use with a wide range of functionality that can be optimized for personal use, business, or education for both students and teachers.

All Movavi software is available in a trial version so users have the option to test-drive the programs and make sure the software will be a good fit to suit their needs.

Trial versions include all of the full-version functionalities, but they do have a time limit for how many days after installation they can be used.

Unbridle Your Creativity and Start Your Video Marketing Campaign with Movavi

We’ve covered some of the current successful trends to make video a powerful addition to your content strategy, and also looked at the tools available to help you turn that vision into a reality.

Your multimedia editing software shouldn’t be so complicated to use that it costs too much of your valuable time to create assets, making video an unattainable goal for your brand. That’s exactly why we developed an affordable option that doesn’t require an expert to operate.

The success or failure of your video campaign largely depends on the tools you have available. Simple but powerful software can take you much further than overly complex programs that have so many bells and whistles they’re difficult to navigate.

In the end, what truly matters is bringing your beautiful video content to life in a form best optimized to benefit your brand, whether that’s social media, email, website, or other avenues.

Are you ready to jumpstart your next marketing strategy? Let’s team up! Give Movavi a try and see how we can help your brand take off with new video content. 
