When you mention brands that dominate the market, the likes of Google, Facebook and Amazon are likely to spring to mind.
Likewise, when it comes to CSM market share, it won’t surprise you to know that WordPress is dominating.
What may surprise you is how much by.
How Market Share Was Measured
The research carried out by GigaPress made use of the Alexa Top Sites, which identified the top 10,000 websites worldwide by measuring Alexa Traffic Rank.
From here, they utilized a script to determine the type of CMS each site uses, based on over 900 known systems.
Market Share Results
It was expected that the majority of top sites would use a private custom content management system, and the research confirmed that, with 7,612 (76.12%) of top sites using a CMS that was not publicly available.
However, of the top sites with a publicly available content management system, WordPress was the platform of choice for 1,057 (10.57%).
That means that WordPress owns 44.26% of the CMS market share.
Image approved for use by GigaPress
Comparatively, the runner-up – Drupal – has just a 9.63% market share.
Other runners up include:
- All others – 26.64% market share.
- Adobe Experience Manager – 8.54% market share.
- Joomla – 2.21% market share.
- Blogger – 1.88% market share.
- Umbraco – 1.75% market share.
- DataLife Engine – 1.72% market share.
- SiteCore – 1.68% market share.
- Shopify – 1.68% market share.
Digging A Little Deeper
The same market share analysis was carried out on the top 1,000 websites that were identified as using a publicly available content management system, with WordPress remaining on top with a share of 31.21%
Image approved for use by GigaPress
The margins for the runner-ups were a little closer in this analysis compared to the broader sample.
Interestingly, the brands ranking was different compared to the broader analysis:
- All Others – 24.11% market share.
- Adobe Experience Manager – 16.31% market share.
- Drupal – 11.35% market share.
- Umbraco – 7.09% market share.
- Arc Publishing – 2.84% market share.
- GitHub Pages – 1.42% market share.
- Shopify – 1.42% market share.
- Blogger – 1.42% market share.
What This Means For Your WordPress Site
In the 18 years that WordPress has existed, the platform has emerged as an incredibly popular choice, whatever type of website you’re looking to build.
Heralded as an excellent choice for new and smaller businesses, this research highlights that it is a trusted and popular choice amongst much larger brands too.
GigaPress says of the results:
“This is more than an impressive stat—it’s a testament to the ubiquity of WordPress, as well as its reliability and scalability.”
This suggests that an investment in a WordPress website could serve your marketing journey for much longer than you might think.
Of course, the site will need to be continually maintained and optimized to assist with growth and stay current with Google Algorithm updates, but it is entirely possible that the platform will continue to operate well even if your site popularity increases considerably.