Twitter has introduced a new ad unit called the Video Website Card, which allows advertisers to use videos to drive traffic back to their website.
As a versatile ad unit, the Video Website Card is designed to fulfill a number of different brand objectives.
Whether it’s showcasing a location or announcing a new product, “the Video Website Card removes friction for the consumer to engage, learn, or convert at their own rate.”
The Video Website Card features an auto-playing video which is said to drive twice the engagement of standard mobile video ads, according to data gleaned from a beta test.
Engagement doesn’t end when the video is done playing. At the end of a video, advertisers can add a call-to-action to drive viewers back to their website, their mobile app, or anywhere else they want to send traffic to.
In addition to the video itself, the new ad unit contains a customizable headline and a destination URL with a large tap target.
If the link within the Video Website Card is tapped on while the video is playing it will continue to play as the website loads. Twitter says this has led to a 60% increase in user retention as fewer users abandon advertisers’ websites while waiting for them to load.
Video Website Cards can be optimized for the action advertisers care most about. This can include video views, website clicks, or awareness.
This new ad unit is now available to all Twitter advertisers worldwide.