We all knew that Twitter is about to launch its redesigned home page. But we didn’t expect it to be this fast and neither did we expect that it will do it this way. If you sign out of your Twitter account, you will see the new Twitter home page with the sleeker design and a new darker blue theme. But there’s more actually – and it stares at you upfront – the Twitter Search Box.So now, right up front you can start discovering tweets and updates. The redesign was made more for first time visitors to the Twitter home page and who are not yet using Twitter. Putting the Twitter search box right up front would give these visitors a first taste of how great Twitter is as a discovery engine and not just a social media tool for communicating with Twitter members.
It’s a good strategy for Twitter which defines what it could do aside from being a micro-blogging service. And this could also be the start of biggger, bolder things to come for Twitter.
As Loren commented to me via IM – “looks like a search engine to me…”