SEJ Video Series: A Sit Down With SEO Expert Alan Bleiweiss

A few weeks ago I sat down with long time SEJ community member and SEO expert Alan Bleiwess. This is the start of an ongoing monthly video series that I’ll be producing for SEJ. Here are some of the highlights from our chat:


  • How to Leverage Another Community to Build Your Personal Brand
  • Why Getting Links Should not be the Only Goal of Guest Posts
  • Communicating Your Knowledge in a Way that Stands Out
  • The Power of Communicating Naturally to Have a Great End Result
  • How Truly Caring About Something Impacts Your Content 
  • The Critical Mistakes that People Make with SEO
  • Understanding the Off site Signals of Your Brand
  • How Vanity Metrics Lead to a False Sense of Accomplishment
  • The Value of Participating In a Community 

What do you think of the video series? Let us know in the comments below.