Facebook launched a new News Feed settings tool today that will allow you to quickly unfollow people and Pages without unfriending, or unliking them.
In a brand new News Feed settings area Facebook will display a list of the top people, Pages, and Groups you have seen in your News Feed over the past week. From there you can easily unfollow any of them if you no longer wish to see their stories. In this section you can also see who you have previously unfollowed and quickly follow them again if you’d like.
In addition, there’s also another new setting that comes up when you choose to hide a post in your News Feed. When you hide a post you can now let Facebook know whether it was the author of the content, the Page or person who shared it, or the app that was mentioned that you want to see less of. If you choose to see less then you you will then be given the option to unfollow.
To see these new features in action, check out the launch video below:
Advice for marketers:
When Facebook introduces something like this, it’s safe to assume they’re taking user feedback into account when ranking content in the News Feed.
If users decide to unfollow your Page or hide your post it’s probably going to negatively affect your organic reach amongst other users as well. So don’t post content that people are likely to be annoyed by.
These new News Feed settings are available starting today on desktop and mobile. The option for giving feedback after hiding a post will be rolled out today on desktop and coming soon