It’s Christmas Eve and the time has come again to track the route of Santa Claus as he travels the globe, bringing presents to the good boys and girls around the world. Want to track Santa’s whereabouts on Christmas Eve? Here are the online tools you need.
Official NORAD Santa Tracker
NORAD continues it more than 50 years tradition of tracking Santa’s whereabouts especially on Christmas Eve. Read more about why NORAD tracks Santa as well as spirit of voluntarism during this event.
Track Santa on Facebook
Santa and Norad are also tracking his Christmas Adventures on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/noradsanta.
Updates include :
NORAD Tracks Santa Santa and the sleigh have skimmed the water in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong! Comet, how are your waterskiing skills?
NORAD Tracks Santa Breaking news! Santa just flew over the Great Wall of China. See for yourself @ http://goo.gl/IMaY1
Norad Santa Tracker on Twitter
Don’t forget Twitter if you and the kids want to track Santa on your phones or on HootSuite! You can join 40,000 other good boys and girls following Santa on Twitter @NoradSanta
Google Earth
You need to install Google Earth on your browser to best experience tracking Santa through NORAD’s site radar.
Use Google Mobile Maps for mobile to track santa on your mobile phone. To know where he is on a particular moment, simply type in “Santa” on your mobile phone’s search box. Or go to m.noradsanta.org on your mobile phone browser.
This site lets you create a video message from Santa himself to be delivered to your friends or family members. It’s a pretty cool web app that makes real-time communication to the North Pole possible.
The site uses its own Satellite Tracking System to find Santa’s whereabouts on Christmas Eve. To follow their Santa Tracking activity you get the downloadable Santa tracker which will activate only when they start tracking Santa.
How are you tracking Santa this Christmas Eve?