LinkedIn is introducing new features designed to help companies stay better engaged with their employees.
These updates will help keep employees informed so they can share the latest content from the company they work for. LinkedIn is also rolling out new tools to help companies optimize their pages.
Here’s a rundown of all the new features coming to LinkedIn Pages.
Employee Notifications
Page admins can now alert employees about important posts, which makes it easier for employees to engage with the content or share it to their LinkedIn network.
In order to ensure this feature isn’t abused, LinkedIn is adding safeguards such as limiting notifications to once every seven days.
Kudos and Team Moments
Kudos and Team Moments allow page admins to utilize a custom content format built for welcoming new team members, spotlighting outstanding work, and otherwise recognizing the people behind an organization.
Page Completion Meter
LinkedIn is making it easier for admins to fully optimize their page with a new personalized completion meter that identifies missing fields and calls out new features.
According to LinkedIn, company pages generate 30% more page views per week compared to incomplete LinkedIn pages. Also, complete pages get access to additional features such as content suggestions.
However, less than 5% of page admins with an incomplete page choose to update it, usually because they don’t know what information they’re missing.
This new profile completion meter will guide admins through the process of completing their page and taking full advantage of available features.
Here’s a look at the new features in action: