Facebook Tries Out Saved Replies for Customer Service

Facebook tests customer service messaging tool called “Saved Replies”.

Facebook business page owners now have another tool in their toolkit: “Saved Replies.” This new feature allows page owners to save canned responses (messages) to use when communicating to Facebook users.

Saved Replies is available through the messaging interface on Facebook pages. Page admins can create, iterate, and save customer replies. Admins can then scroll through the canned messages to find the most suitable response, choose sample replies, or can also customize their own.

Here is what the dashboard looks like, courtesy of TechCrunch:

While there are tools like Zendesk available to assist with customer service online, the advent of “Saved Replies” will be handy to marketers because it lives within the framework of Facebook. Plus, companies who don’t have money for expensive tools can use this free Facebook feature.

Saved Replies is available to a small subset of page owners, but will roll out system wide on Facebook, according to the Facebook spokesperson.

In fact, the spokesperson reached out to MarketingLand and said:

We continue to invest in tools to make it easier for people and businesses to communicate on Facebook. Saved replies enable businesses to quickly and easily respond to customer messages with just a tap. We plan to roll out this feature more broadly in the coming weeks.

This tool will save businesses who receive hundreds of social media inquiries a ton of time.

Do you think this will be useful for businesses?

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