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We are really proud at Blue Array to have recently launched the book “Mastering In-House SEO,” and even more proud to see it named as an Amazon bestseller.
The book is a groundbreaking compilation of stories from the professional experiences of the world’s leading in-house names.
Why Did We Compile the Book?
We have become the UK’s most popular, and largest SEO agency within a few short years, and a book seemed like a natural thing to launch alongside our wildly popular e-learning course The Blue Array Academy.
Primarily though, while there is plenty of good quality literature on the subject of SEO, no one had written a book focused on the in-house SEO professional.
This was a gap in the market that needed closing, not just in terms of knowledge, but also that in-house professionals often seem voiceless within our industry.
For agency owners and consultants, we hope the book serves to offer a deeper understanding of the struggles in-house people have, and therefore, to help them run better agencies and consultancies.
Current and aspiring in-house SEO professionals will benefit from reading fascinating case studies, learning new ways to influence people, and getting inspiration for crafting their careers.
Most importantly, they will find that they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings.
We all struggle with the same challenges, but mastery is revealed within the book for the wise reader willing to learn from others.
We wrote the book to educate, captivate, and maybe even commiserate.
Who Has Contributed?
“Mastering In-House SEO” contains contributions from 26 leading in-house SEO experts, including:
- Areej Abuali, SEO Manager at Zoopla.
- Luke Carthy, Ecommerce Growth Consultant.
- Ric Rodriguez, Head Of Search at Vashi.
- Fabrizio Ballarini, Organic Growth & SEO of Transferwise.
- Dominik Schwarz, Chief Inbound Officer @ HomeToGo.
What Can You Expect Inside?
The book covers a whole range of topics.
For example, in the chapter “How to Win Friends and Influence People: SEO Edition” written by David Gerrard, SEO Lead at heycar, David discusses his move from the agency world into an in-house role and breaks it down in great detail.
He says:
“The most important ingredient to your success as an in-house SEO is relationship building. But what specifically does that mean?”
In answering this question, readers get a glimpse of what a professional relationship looks like, the importance of creating and maintaining friendships in this industry, and the great impact it can have on your business going forward.
Another chapter offers career advice from the Head of SEO at Silkfred, Orit Mutznik.
In “The Overkill Approach to Scoring Your Dream SEO Role,” Orit gives an insight into landing your dream job in the industry.
Simply put, she says:
“Burst through the door, use the element of surprise, and outwork everyone else.”
From winning friends to landing your dream job, you can also expect to indulge in success stories.
In the chapter “A Culture of Autonomy: Building an SEO team that can do it all,” Fabrizio Ballarini, Organic Growth and SEO at TransferWise, discusses how autonomy works for his company and how it has changed over time.
Walking readers through the culture of autonomy at TransferWise, Fabrizio explains how a set-up in which the team controls its own fate can be risky, but that the benefits far outweigh the risks.
He explains the ROI autonomous teams have brought and gives examples of how the SEO team has delivered an overall return that has more than paid for itself.
He says:
“All up there are about 30 people in the SEO team (a far cry from when I started, which was just me and three developers). This allows us to move more quickly, as if we were a small company instead of the $3.5 Billion organisation we are today.”
Highlighting the importance of the book, Luke Carthy, a well-seasoned Ecommerce Growth Consultant, said:
“Navigating internal politics and processes is one of the greatest challenges in-house SEOs face; a bigger challenge than the SEO discipline itself. “Mastering In-House SEO” is packed with wins and solid advice that my younger self would have begged for.”
How Has the Book Been Received?
Since publication day the book has been warmly welcomed by the SEO community, has been listed as an Amazon bestseller, and has received incredible 5-star reviews.
One Amazon customer said:
“What a book! Something the industry has been crying out for. Whilst aimed at those In-house this is equally as relevant to agency, too. Great concepts and ideas from a wide range of industry specialists. Lots of new tools and techniques to apply.”
A Nonprofit Venture
All profits from the sale of “Mastering In-House SEO” will be donated to The Samaritans, a charity on the front line in mental health, working hard to make sure there is always someone there for anyone who needs someone – a mission the Blue Array team fully supports.
You can purchase your copy of “Mastering In-House SEO” via Amazon or the official website.
Incredibly the readers who the book best serves, the in-house SEO professional, who are based in the UK can claim a completely free copy via the website. Blue Array will take care of the book cost and shipping.
Image Credits
Featured Image: Image by Blue Array. Used with permission.
In-Post Photos: Image by Blue Array. Used with permission.