Paid Search In A Cookieless World: Are You Ready? [Webinar]

You’ve been relying on cookies to deliver your marketing campaigns for years, but the days of third-party cookies are ending.

What does this major change mean for your business and digital campaigns?

Google is becoming even more of a walled garden than it was before, so how will you overcome this new obstacle?

Learn how savvy marketers are overcoming this challenge and getting a first-mover advantage by utilizing improved paid search techniques.

Register for this webinar now to future-proof your marketing strategy and learn how to face the new challenges in targeting, measurement, and attribution across digital channels.

You’ll learn:

  • What we know so far about the imminent cookieless future.
  • First-mover advantages, opportunities, and challenges for search marketers.
  • Strategies to future-proof, adapt to, and win in this new normal.

As third-party cookies disappear, search marketers need to start leveraging paid search to gain a first-mover’s advantage.

Join Sreekant Lanka, SVP Digital Solutions at iQuanti, as he highlights why paid search will become increasingly vital for a successful marketing strategy and how you can get the most out of it.

Save your spot today!

Can’t make the webinar live? Register now for this sponsored webinar and we’ll send you the on-demand version after the event.