Google AdWords Accounts With No Recent Ad Spend are Getting Deactivated Next Week

Google will start deactivating AdWords accounts next week if they have not spent any money in the past 15 months.

This will occur automatically in an attempt to “speed up” the AdWords experience. An email notification will be sent to individual AdWords users when their account has been deactivated.

Advertisers will have the option to reactivate their accounts at any time. However, if there is still no ad spend within 3 months of reactivation, the account will be deactivated once again. Of course, advertisers can avoid deactivation altogether by spending some money on ads before next week.

If your AdWords account gets canceled due to lack of ad spend, follow the steps below to reactivate it when you’re ready:

  • Sign into your AdWords account.
  • In the upper right, click “Settings” and then click Account settings.
  • On the “Preferences” tab, click ‘Reactivate this account’ to finish activating your account.
  • If prompted, you might also need to update your billing information.

Also note, for up to 24 hours after reactivating an account, you may continue to see an alert saying your account has been canceled.