Seth Godin, prolific marketer and founder of Squidoo, announced late last week that his content platform is getting acquired by HubPages. Popular content on Squidoo will move over to HubPages following the acquisition.
Squidoo and HubPages are both content publishing platforms that have been dubbed “Web 2.0” sites. As you’re most likely aware, those types of sites are prone to abuse, so both Squidoo and HubPages have had their run ins with Panda in the past. That makes this acquisition and content migration especially intriguing.
Godin says combining the platforms will lead to “a stronger, more efficient, more generous way to share great stuff online.” In a few weeks, all traffic to Squidoo will be redirected to relevant HubSpot pages. Transferring content from Squidoo to HubPages is said to be easy and mostly automatic. Squidoo pages will no longer be accessible in September or early October.
If you’re a current Squidoo user and want to get started using HubPages right away, you can transfer your content right now by clicking on ‘Set Up Your Transfer’ in your dashboard. If you choose to do nothing, your content will transfer over automatically and you will be notified by email when the transfer is complete.
Seth Godin had this to say about the end of Squidoo:
It’s never easy to end a project (sometimes it’s even harder than starting one), but the Squidoo team has always been focused on what’s best for you, our users, and it’s clear to us that Paul and his team have built a platform that will help you reach your goals even faster than we can do it alone. Moving these assets to HubPages opens the door for even more magic.
It will be interesting to see what becomes of HubPages after acquiring Squidoo. What do you think of this move?