Long-form content can provide a great amount of detail and knowledge, but sometimes you just want a quick injection of smarts to help you on your way. Thankfully, the marketing industry is packed with experts who generously share their best advice on Twitter.
Having to distil their advice into 140 characters or less means these experts are getting to the heart of the matter with laser focus. Here are 19 amazing pieces of expert marketing advice in just a single sentence each:
1. The Best Way to Sell
Best way to sell something – don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, & trust of those who might buy.
— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) February 4, 2015
“Best way to sell something – don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, & trust of those who might buy.”
-Rand Fishkin, Moz
2. Most Underrated Tool
Most underutilized marketing tool on the planet is Google Trends. #SMMW15
— Joe Pulizzi (@JoePulizzi) March 26, 2015
“Most underutilized marketing tool on the planet is Google Trends.”
-Joe Pulizzi
3. Journalists Bring Value to Marketing Teams
If I were starting a company, I would hire journalists in my marketing team. They understand audiences and are storytellers.
— David Meerman Scott (@dmscott) September 18, 2013
“If I were starting a company, I would hire journalists in my marketing team. They understand audiences and are storytellers.”
-David Meerman Scott
4. Content Needs Social Media to Succeed
Content marketing needs social media support to ensure that you reach your maximum potential audience. #cmworld http://t.co/GCqNMk740b
— HeidiCohen (@heidicohen) September 9, 2015
“Content marketing needs social media support to ensure that you reach your maximum potential audience.”
– Heidi Cohen
5. ‘Millennial’ Isn’t One Type of Person
It’s time for marketers to stop marketing to the 85 million American Millennials as one homogeneous audience. https://t.co/JAleVJmOpJ
— Jason A Miller (@JasonMillerCA) October 9, 2015
“It’s time for marketers to stop marketing to the 85 million American Millennials as one homogeneous audience.”
– Jason A. Miller
6. Audience Decides the Quality of Your Content
@jchernov My mom keeps telling me what a thought leader I am though
— Elijah ClarkGinsberg (@eclarkginsberg) May 22, 2015
“Calling one’s own content “thought leadership” is like calling oneself attractive. It’s not your determination to make.” -Joe Chernov
7. Is Content Really King?
#Content was never King. But great #communication and #teaching always have been and always will be. #contentmarketing
— Marcus Sheridan (@TheSalesLion) January 29, 2015
“#Content was never King. But great #communication and #teaching always have been and always will be.”
– Marcus Sheridan
8. Small Investments can Result in Great Gains
A8a: Eat the elephant one bite at a time – even 15 minutes a day on LinkedIn can vastly improve your business. #BizChats
— Viveka von Rosen (@LinkedInExpert) August 26, 2015
“Eat the elephant one bite at a time – even 15 minutes a day on LinkedIn can vastly improve your business.”
– Viveka von Rosen
9. 5 Key Areas of Facebook to Test
5 key areas of Facebook posts to test: Frequency, Timing, Type, Length, @ tags. #smmw14
— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) March 27, 2014
“5 key areas of Facebook posts to test: Frequency, Timing, Type, Length, @ tags.”
– Mari Smith
10. Content Marketing IS Marketing
I believe in content strategy. Content marketing is all marketing. #confluencecon Without content, there is no marketing.
— Ian Lurie (@portentint) September 11, 2015
“I believe in content strategy. Content marketing is all marketing. #confluencecon Without content, there is no marketing.”
– Ian Lurie
11. Striving for Perfection Could Hold You Back
You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t even have to be good. You just have to TRY. Trying puts you ahead of 85% of everyone else.
— Lisa Barone (@LisaBarone) June 3, 2015
“You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t even have to be good. You just have to TRY. Trying puts you ahead of 85% of everyone else.” -Lisa Barone
12. Stop Being Wishy-Washy
Alright guys, here’s my take on “it depends” – Stop Saying “It Depends” And Give Better Answers https://t.co/P6kH10lHfx #ppcchat
— Matthew Umbro (@Matt_Umbro) October 21, 2015
“All right guys, here’s my take on “it depends” – Stop Saying “It Depends” and give better answers” -Matt Umbro
13. What Makes a Great SEO?
The difference between a good SEO and a great SEO is the quality of research and testing lead approach to defining strategy.
— Rishi Lakhani (@rishil) November 14, 2014
“The difference between a good SEO and a great SEO is the quality of research and testing lead approach to defining strategy.” -Rishi Lakhani
14. There are No Boring Industries—Only Boring Marketers
“Your industry isn’t boring, your marketing is boring” #funnelmarketing #marketinglove
— Ashley Friedlein (@AshleyFriedlein) November 1, 2011
“Your industry isn’t boring, your marketing is boring” – Ashley Friedlein
15. Metrics Matter
If u are optimizing for an awful metric, no matter how hard you work and big your data, you are optimizing for an awful metric.
— Avinash Kaushik (@avinash) October 7, 2014
“If u are optimizing for an awful metric, no matter how hard you work and big your data, you are optimizing for an awful metric.” – Avinash Kaushik
16. Success Only Requires Two Things
Enduring companies build two things: A product people want and a culture people want to be a part of.
— Dharmesh Shah (@dharmesh) October 27, 2014
“Enduring companies build two things: A product people want and a culture people want to be a part of.”
– Dharmesh Shah
17. What Problem Does Your Product Solve?
Almost without exception, the best products are developed by teams with desire to solve a problem; not a company’s need to fufill a strategy
— Jeff Weiner (@jeffweiner) August 1, 2015
“Almost without exception, the best products are developed by teams with desire to solve a problem; not a company’s need to fufill a strategy” – Jeff Weiner
18. Good Writing is Often Undervalued
Brands need to pay attention to their writing as a differentiator re personality, too. Good writing is often undervalued in content.#cmworld
— Ann Handley (@annhandley) June 10, 2014
“Brands need to pay attention to their writing as a differentiator re personality, too. Good writing is often undervalued in content.” – Ann Handley
19. Are You Ready for Amplification?
Marketing amplifies, if your brand is amazing or crap, marketing will amplify that, think about that before you “drive traffic” #mozcon
— Wil Reynolds (@wilreynolds) July 13, 2015
“Marketing amplifies, if your brand is amazing or crap, marketing will amplify that, think about that before you ‘drive traffic’” – Wil Reynolds
There you have it — excellent, actionable advice from some of the world’s top marketing authorities, each in 140 characters or less.
Where do you find your favorite marketing advice and inspiration (besides right here at )? Share your favorite tips and tricks in the comments.