From the look of it, Twitter is focusing on continuing to improve its interface through acquisitions and interface updates.
Today, it was announced that Twitter has acquired Trendrr, which focuses on providing real-time social media experiences and data to companies. Trendrr’s flagship Twitter product, Curatorr, allows marketers to manage their Twitter presence and events through a single interface, will be its sole focus going forward.
Twitter also announced via its blog today that it has made a chronological change to conversation view on the web and both the iOS and Android apps. This change allows users to view conversations in the order they were tweeted, instead of previously showing the most recent first.
A little motivation for this week. Do you agree with this quote? pic.twitter.com/lsuDmHXi6W
— SEJournal (@sejournal) August 27, 2013
Creating an Online Watercooler
This allows for readers to get a better context of the conversations happening around tweets. Along with this change and Trendrr’s acquisition, Twitter is making it easier for users to use its platform as a way to have an online conversation. Users will see up to three conversation tweets in their timeline and can click on the originating tweet to view the entire conversation, even if it includes content from users that aren’t followed by the signed-in account.
By combining this with Curatorr, which focuses on organizing and making the most of real-time conversations taking place on Twitter, users will continue to see Twitter as a place to talk about everything from the Breaking Bad premiere to what’s happening next in Egypt.
Many news stories have broken first on Twitter and other social media platforms before major news networks. Twitter has become one of the first places people look to get the latest updates on current events and entertainment.
Additionally, as major news and entertainment television networks continue to utilize Twitter to increase their online presence (via custom hashtags, promotions, and additional engagement), the social network will continue to become a mainstay in the way many people get their news and information, as well as a way to engage with others around the world.
Photo: © voyager624 – Fotolia.com