Tired of viewing those 300-second Snapchat stories while holding your thumb on the screen like you’re using Apple’s fingerprint reader for the first time?
Worse yet, worried about sending your brilliant, yet long Snap for fear of annoying others?
Well now you can view Snaps and Stories of any length with a single tap of your thumb. Previously you had to be touching the screen for the entire length of the content in order for it to play through.
Snapchat announced this small, yet meaningful change on its blog this week. Several other small changes were announced as well, including the option to Add Nearby.
If you’re standing amongst a group of people and all want to add each other to Snapchat, if you all open the Add Nearby screen you can quickly add everyone to your list.
To make it easier for people to recognize you, the app has added the option to include selfies in the center of your Snapcode. This way people can immediately recognize you when you add them.
In addition, you can now add people to your list using screenshots of Snapcodes. For example, if a friend on Instagram posts a picture of their Snapcode, you can take a screenshot of that and use it through the Add Friends screen on Snapchat to instantly add them.
All of these changes are now available on the iOS app, with updates to the Android app soon to follow.
Image Credit: 360b / Shutterstock.com