Twitter recently released a report sharing some key insights into how millennials prefer to engage on Twitter. In addition, the report also provides data-backed tips about the best ways to build a rapport with this demographic.
The information in the report comes from an online survey of U.S. Twitter users who signed into the platform weekly, and defined millennials as users ages 18-34.
Here are some of the key findings and tips included in the study:
1. 80% of millennial Twitter users access Twitter on a mobile device
In addition, 81% percent of those surveyed check Twitter at least once a day, while 15% check Twitter than ten times a day, and 60% tweet at least once a day.
Tip: In order to reach these avid Twitter users, you should Tweet at least once a day. Add some variety to your Tweets by using some of the new formats that are available, such as animated GIFs.
2. Millennials use Twitter as a cure for boredom
47% of those surveyed agree that Twitter means “laughing” or “a cure for boredom,” and 82% will share a tweet they find funny. Overall, 60% say they are more entertained because of Twitter.
Tip: Share humorous content, especially when it speaks specifically to your target audience.
3. Millennials like to Tweet about a live event while they’re watching it
71% of those surveyed think that it’s more fun to tweet about a live event while they’re experiencing it. 70% enjoy reading Tweets while watching a live event on television, and 67% say they would follow or contribute to a hashtag related to these events.
Tip: Think about ways to engage with millennials during major live events by keeping a calendar of upcoming events and preparing your Tweets in advance. Make sure you’re also active on your account during the event and reacting in real time.
4. Millennials use Twitter to share what’s going on in their life
56% of those surveyed say they use Twitter to document their lives in real time. The top categories they tweet about include random thoughts (67%), fun activities (57%), current events (53%) and jokes/humor (46%). Many users (42%) also like to share photos.
Tip: Offer millennials a way to share information about themselves while also engaging with you.
Twitter also also put together an infographic to go along with this report, which you can view right here.