This week, Twitter launched an interactive guide designed to help small businesses make better use of its social network. The guide is tailored towards beginners and experienced users alike, covering everything from how to create an account to how to drive sales and measure results.
The guide is built to let users choose their own path based on their level of experience. Upon opening the guide, you’re greeted with this screen:
Here’s how each of the above sections break down:
I don’t get Twitter
In this section you’re given the following options:
- Learn the basics: Here you will learn what a Tweet, Hashtag, @Mention, Retweet, and Follower is. Very basic stuff.
- Help me find my customers on Twitter: Learn how to use Twitter search to find new customers, and how to connect with existing customers by importing email contacts.
- Review my profile: All the basics of filling out a Twitter profile.
- Download the getting started checklist: A free checklist that walks beginners through all the steps needed to get started with Twitter.
I get Twitter but need to create a strategy
In this section you’re given the following options:
- Build a content calendar for my Tweets: A template you can follow for structuring your tweets throughout the week.
- Get more engagement with my Tweets: Some basic tips for how to get your followers to interact with your tweets.
- Help me write my Tweets: A few templates to fill out that are designed to create engaging Tweets.
- Download the #MktgKickstarter Toolkit: All of the above sections in one nice little package.
I know Twitter basics but want to take my marketing to the next level
In this section you’re given the following options:
- Tweets for direct response versus engagement: How to compose Tweets to get users to take a specific action, such as visit a sales page.
- Driving sales on Twitter: How to compose Tweets that incentivize shoppers.
- How to measure results: The key metrics you need to look at to measure results of your Twitter campaigns.
- Learn more about Twitter ads: A downloadable guide specifically about Twitter ads.
Twitter can be daunting to business owners using it for the first time, and a even a challenge for those with experience. With this guide, Twitter clearly wants to put small businesses owners on the right path towards successfully using the network to engage customers and increase sales.
No matter what your level of experience with Twitter is, I recommend at least giving this guide a quick look to see if there’s something you can learn from it.