Just as you have 140 characters per tweet, you can now share videos up to 140 seconds in length on Twitter, the company has announced.
Twitter introduced the ability to add video in 2015. Until now, you could only upload 30-second videos (except for a few select advertisers, who could post videos up to 10 minutes in length)
According to Twitter, video tweets have increased by more than 50 percent since early 2016.
This change is also extending to Twitter-owned Vine. The traditional six-second looping Vines can now serve as a “trailer” of sorts for videos up to 140 seconds long. To view longer videos, users can tap a new “Watch more” button in the lower right corner.
One other change coming to soon to Twitter for iOS and Android is a new viewing mode. Tapping on a video tweet or Vine will put you in a new full-screen mode, where Twitter will suggest other video and Vine tweets worth watching, according to Twitter.
How long will it be until Facebook ups its video time limit from 60 seconds? To be continued…
More Twitter News: Engage, Periscope & Magic Pony
In other Twitter news:
Twitter Engage: Creators, celebrities, and public figures in the U.S. have a new iOS app to play with. Twitter Engage, which is comparable to Facebook’s Mentions app, will “help popular video creators better understand, engage, and grow their audiences on-the-go with real-time data and insights.”
New Periscope Button: Attention live-streaming fans – Twitter announced (via tweet) the addition of a new “Live” button for iOS and Android users to start broadcasting on Periscope from their Twitter app. Another feature on the way will allow Periscope videos to be embedded across the web.
Magic Pony: Twitter also announced it has acquired machine-learning company Magic Pony, which has been “developing state-of-the-art machine-learning-based approaches for visual processing on web, desktop and mobile over the past 18 months,” (i.e., it makes low-resolution images and videos look like high-resolution and also turns it into searchable data) for a reported $150 million. Said Twitter: “Magic Pony’s technology – based on research by the team to create algorithms that can understand the features of imagery – will be used to enhance our strength in live and video and opens up a whole lot of exciting creative possibilities for Twitter.”
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Featured Image: Depositphotos
Images 1 & 2 via Twitter