2008 proved to a historic year for Twitter both in adoption through the sheer number of twitter users signing up to the services, but also as evidenced by many influencers writing about using Twitter for PR, Social Media, Branding and other such purposes. With such an influx of great information, it often becomes difficult to distill signal from noise. This round up of the Top 20 Twitter Posts of 2008 provides another valuable meta-list to bookmark and refer back to, as Twitter continues to grow exponentially in 2009.
20. Twitter in Plain English – A video by the well respected guys as Common Craft that explains the nature and application of Twitter effortlessly in just under 2 1/2 minutes.
19. Why You Need To Be Looking At Twitter– Twist Image writes about the gaining clout of Twitter, especially due to adoption by the governments, corporations, and top brands.
18.Top 10 Uses of Twitter – Top Rank talks about 10 uses for Twitter beyond just as micro-blogging service.
17. 15 Twittery Things For Your Holiday Enjoyment – MakeUseOf tally’s up some of the year’s more interesting Twitter tools, including one’s that measure your sphere of influence and help you find new friends and followers.
16. Three Ways to Maximize Your Twitter Time for Networking, Marketing and Fun – Copyblogger breaks it down on using Twitter as a networking and marketing tool.
15. How Twitter Made My Website Better– Guy Kawasaki explains the added value of Twitter in making his blog better.
14.Using Twitter for Customer Service – Comcast, JetBlue, Zappos and other well known brands use Twitter as a customer service tool. Find out why you should too.
13. Should Analysts use Twitter?– Jeremiah Owyang covers the use of Twitter for research analysts.
12. Corporate Twitter Accounts and Online Reputation – Social Media Today covers some best practices for creating and maintaining corporate Twitter accounts.
11. 16 Examples of Huge Brands Using Twiter for Business – covers 16 of the biggest brands and their use of Twitter to connect with customers and as a PR tool. Dell anyone?
10. How Twitter Can Help at Work– Traditional media heavyweight the New York Times weighs in on how Twitter can help at work.
09. Newbies Guide to Twitter -Feeling lost on how to start ‘tweeting’ with Twitter? Chris Brogan offers a simplistic zen guide to engaging friends and followers on Twitter.
08. Twitter and personal branding: The BIG mistake I see people make every single day – Web Ink Now covers personal branding mistakes commonly observed on Twitter and how to avoid them.
07. The Role of Twitter in Brand Management – Conversation Agent offers up valuable opinions on how Twitter is a powerful brand management and PR tool.
05. How ReTweets Spread – Dan Zarella’s research analyzes the viral effect of the retweet.
04. The Five Stages of Twitter Acceptance – Rohit Bhargava leads us through the process of denial, presence, dumpin, conversion, presence, dumping, conversing, and microblogging.
03. The Elevator Pitch Hits Twitter – Read Write Web writes about how Twitter is being as a tool for elevator pitches. After all, having a 140 character limit forces you to be as succinct as possible.
02. How to Use Twitter as a Twool – Guy Kawasaki tells us to forget the influentials and focus on reaching a critical mass of Twitfluence instead.
01. 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business – So Twitter’s great but how can I use it for my business? Chris Brogan provides 50 actionable ideas on using Twitter for business.
Dev Basu is a regular contributor to . He owns Powered by Search, a full service internet marketing agency located in Toronto, Canada; and blogs about online marketing for small businesses, search marketing, and all matters in local seo and social media. Catch up with him at his blog, twitter, or connect on Linkedin. Ideas for this list were also contributed by Nathan Ketsdever, who runs Creative Fusion Media, a Nashville SEO and Social Media agency.