Twitter is an amazing service that a lot of us have grown to love. The great thing about twitter is that a single tweet has a lifespan of about 5 – 10 min (unless it’s being retweeted). A lot of people believe that the short lived tweets are far less powerful than that of immortal blog posts and this is a flaw in Twitter. I embrace twitters time based feature and leverage it.
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I would say about 70 – 80% of my tweets are spontaneous usually bearing from challenges I’m facing at any one moment, a quote I overheard someone say, a foursquare checkin, etc… The rest of my tweets are usually me sharing content that I find relevant and vital to the web industry.
In the mornings I skim through a couple hundred articles and find about a dozen or so that I want to share. At this point I can do one of three things
- Tweet them all out right then and there
- Make a note of them and try to remember to post them throughout the day
- Schedule them out using an app like http://futuretweets.com/ (which I used for a long time)
We all know that #2 isn’t happening, #1 doesn’t really make much sense at 6:30am and #3 always proved time consuming and tedious.
Enter Buffer
Buffer is an app I just started using that allows for simple queueing of tweets for future posting. Instead of worrying about exactly when a tweet will post you just create the tweet, add it to the list and let Buffer take care of the rest.
Take a look at the video below to get an idea of how easy it is to add tweets to the queue.
I wanted to showcase this service because of a conversation I had with one of its creators, Leon Widrich.
@professor – “@bufferapp Any plans on future features like auto replies to new followers etc..?”
@bufferapp – “@professor so we really want to try to make people be genuine, without auto-generated content. What do you think about that? – Leo”
“We want to make people be genuine” that’s awesome. In fact it’s Buffers ability to do one thing, really well that will be its success. It doesn’t attempt to do too much or inundate us with too many features. It’s simple, fast and so far reliable.
What do you think?