On Monday, October 15th, the social media marketing brain trust also know as #SocialChat gathered to discuss the impact of social media engagement for this presidential election cycle. Following is a recap of that chat on Twitter.
Q1 YouTube will be streaming the next Presidential debate tomorrow night. Will you be checking out that option?
Several of the participants in the chat were very interested in checking out the debate on YouTube. The second screen phenomenon has certainly been taking hold of the political process in the US this election cycle.
Q2 What do you think of the content being created on #Tumblr about the vice presidential debate?
Just the level of content being created all over the internet has taken off this year over 2008. The White House has kept a steady from of information going online. Although candidate Obama embraced the use of social media in 2008, both campaigns have invested a great deal more time and talent in social engagement this year. But not all content and engagement in this sphere create results. Although a lot of the content on sites like the GIF Tumblr is certainly entertaining and engaging, there was a great deal of doubt that the fun lead to a more serious connection to the political process.
Q3 Facebook says the VP debate scored a 6.79 on its Talk Meter. Do you see friends participating?
The political discussions on facebook have certainly been heating up. What’s interesting is that these social media professionals tend to keep personal political opinions off the grid entirely. The constant political chatter from friends and family is getting old very quickly. But they have noticed that real discussions of the issues are happening online. It’s not all about shouting down others that don’t share the same viewpoint. And every once in a while someone unexpected will chime in with something truly thought provoking.
The discussion then turned to how can we determine the real impact that internet mediated social exchanges are having on the process. We are more able, thanks to the technology, to reach out to people across the country and across the political spectrum than we have ever been before. The front porch discussions are no longer limited to the neighbors in our physical vicinity. Is this impacting the American electorate’s decision making process? Andreea Cojocariu (@AndreeaC_T) was very vocal about the need for case studies on the levels of engagement and the real impact this will have on voter turn out. Already this campaign is setting the tone for the use of social media in politics from now on.
On Monday October 22 we will be featuring guest, David Adler of Adler Law, on the topic of the law and social media. To be a part of the conversation follow our hashtag #SocialChat on Monday nights at 9PM Eastern.
If you have a topic within the realm of social media marketing you would like to discuss or if you are interested in joining us as a guest expert please contact the hosts, Alan K’necht (@aknecht) and Michelle Stinson Ross (@SocialMichelleR).