Social Media Lessons From Journalism

At SEJ Summit Chicago, Brent Csutoras talked to Amy Vernon of The Daily Dot about how journalism affects on her approach to social media and search.

At SEJ Summit 2016 in Chicago, I had the opportunity to speak with Amy Vernon, Director of Audience Development at The Daily Dot, about her lessons in the newsroom and its effects on her approach to social media and search.

Here are some key takeaways from the video:

  • Recently, everyone has discovered that they can be publishers. Even outside of the newsroom, people still present information in ways that other people would want to read or consume it.
  • As journalists, we need to bring something special to our audience. Provide what other places and media can’t provide. That means using our expertise as journalists to get to the bottom of the story in a way that people understand.
  • Talking to your audience and treating them as people will make them realize there are also people behind a publication—and that will make them treat you like people, not a faceless brand.
  • Respond to people. Your audience will appreciate that someone’s concerned and willing to listen to them. This will help keep them engaged.
  • Speak in a voice that’s true to your brand. Even if your stuffier compared to the people who are speaking to you, they will still respect that.

Special thanks to our sponsor, Page One Power: The Link Builders You’ve Been Looking For!

Please visit SEJ’s YouTube page for more video interviews.
