YouTube for iOS has been updated with iMessage support, which will let users watch and chat about videos without leaving the app.
After tapping on the share button in the YouTube app, there is now an option to share via iMessage.
Once iMessage is selected, choose the desired recipient and begin your shared video watching experience.
The video can be watched in partial view alongside a chat window, or the video can be enlarged to watch in full screen.
Alternatively, YouTube videos can also be shared from the iMessage app. Tap on the apps icon at the bottom of the screen, then select YouTube.
A list of recently watched videos will be automatically populated, which makes it easier to share something you just watched. If you prefer, you can also search for the name of the video you want to share.
YouTube’s iMessage app will give users the opportunity to preview a video before sharing, so you can make sure you don’t send the wrong one accidentally.
After the video has been shared it can be watched directly within the iMessage app.
Usually bitter rivals, it’s interesting to see Apple and Google working together on something that helps to enhance the use of each other’s services. Will we see more of this in the future?