Once in a while, I come across a company that has yet to embrace social media. They get the same scolding that companies who did not have a Web presence 10 years ago received, which is, “Better evolve and get with the program or lose to the competition!” Even many who ARE using social media to one degree or another, do not have a consistent strategy that will enable them to get the most out of their social networks.
Common excuses are, “I don’t have time,” “I don’t know what to say,” or even “None of our customers are using social media.” However, given the fact that many people do use social media on a day-to-day basis, not too mention that search engines such as Google now factor social signals (social media users referencing your brand or products) heavily in their ranking algorithms, the excuses may be valid, but at the same time they will hinder the growth of any business.
To make things a bit easier for companies looking to get on the social media bandwagon, the folks over at The Whole Brain Group have put together the second edition of their handy social media checklist, which helps businesses take a sensible approach to setting goals on the most popular social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even the newcomer, Pinterest.
So what are you waiting for? As you will see below, engaging your audience through social media is not all that difficult. Click on the infographic itself to access a larger downloadable version so you may use as an actual checklist.