Instagram announced it will be introducing slightly redesigned user profiles, which are set to roll out over the next few weeks.
“Your profile is where you share who you are on Instagram, so starting today we’re testing ways you can better express yourself and more easily connect with the people you care about on your profile.”
In the new profiles items at the top of the page have been re-arranged, such as icons, buttons, and the way users navigate between tabs.
Instagram shared an example which you can see below:
One of the most noticeable differences in the new profiles is the number of followers a user has is less prominent.
Previously, follower counts appeared in bold text at the top of profile pages.
In the redesign, follower counts are moved further down in smaller text. At the top of the page is the user’s name, bio, and URL.
So the number of followers will no longer be the first thing someone sees on a profile.
Instead, users will get to learn about who other people are before seeing how many followers they have.
Will this make users care any less about their own follower counts? Probably not, but it may lead to better connections.
These changes will be rolled out in phases, with different combinations being tested throughout the Instagram community.