There is tons of useful information available on the internet about how to do this or that to promote your business, products or services on-line. Most of that information tell or suggest to you what you should do. This is helpful information and very valuable, but sometimes is the information what you should not do and why you should not do it more helpful.
Bringing across negative things to make people remember them is not very easy, because the problem with those things is that you are never doing them (hopefully). Remembering by doing it does not work here and other methods to make things stick must be used instead. One good method to accomplish this is humor and a practical example or illustration that shows what will happen if you do what you are not supposed to do.
I stumbled across a few good examples of this, which I would like to share with you.
Zoobie – The Internet Marketing Newbie
The first example is an animated mini-series called “Zoobie – Internet Marketing Newbie” created by Russell Brunson. The first two episodes are completed and available on YouTube.
Don’t Click AdSense Ads on your Own Website
The first episode talks about AdSense and clicking on the ads on your own website and why that is a very bad idea, regardless how much intriguing this might be.
Be Careful When Selling Stuff on eBay
The second episode is about using the power of eBay to sell stuff to people for a profit. The profit part is the tricky thing and various things can be done wrong to turn the new business into a financial nightmare. This episode teaches you about some of the things you should not do and consider when you start selling stuff on the most popular online auction website on the internet.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Gabe & Max’s Internet Thing
Gabriel Delahaye and Max Silvestri present an ad for their revolutionary program called “Gabe and Max’s How to Get the Dreamlife of Your Dreams Using the Internet”. It is hilarious to watch. They use typical tricks used by TV infomercials and make it so obvious that it cries to the sky.
If the killer laptop or the attractive women used in the presentation is not getting your attention, the big and visually attractive package with all the nice bonuses and freebies certainly will, guaranteed. Hehe.
Carsten Cumbrowski
Owner of the internet marketing resources portal at cumbrowski.com such as the conferences and expos calendar and other resources for marketers