Facebook recently made two changes on its Page Insights, helping page owners understand the true reach of their posts. The reach metric will now include mobile data, while the desktop News Feed will no longer be counted unless a user scrolls down and load the page’s story.
Mobile Distribution on Facebook Page Reach
Reach is described as the total number of people who were able to view a page post within the first 28 days since it was posted. It is counted whenever a post loads and appears on the News Feed.
Since July 3, Facebook has been adding mobile distribution to the page’s total reach. Prior to this, it was unclear whether the reach data was limited to desktop distribution alone. Thus, page owners don’t really know whether they are reaching more users that they thought.
It is also unknown whether the social media giant will combine the desktop and mobile distribution on the Page Insight report. Last year, Facebook made a temporary report scheme, distinguishing whether a Like or comment came from a mobile or desktop user. But it seems that this function is no longer available from the Insight Application Programming Interface.
Redesigned News Feed Loading System
Other than adding mobile distribution on the Reach metrics, Facebook also redesigned its News Feed’s loading system to improve its efficiency. The News Feed will now load fewer stories at a time, and users will have to scroll down if they want to see more items on their feed.
This change also has a direct affect on a page’s total reach. Previously, the metrics might include impressions that users might not have actually seen. But since reach and impression are now counted upon load, insights should accurately reflect what users have viewed. However, it should not affect how many fans will see a page’s post in their News Feed.
Unclear Effect of Page Insight Changes
It is unknown whether these changes will now provide an increased or decreased insight to page owners. The inclusion of mobile distribution in the metrics may increase the numbers, but the changes in the News Feed could make it lower. Thus, it will remain unclear which component balances the other.
This only means that Facebook should provide an updated Page Insight guide in order to help page owners to understand the changes on their metrics. That way, they would know whether they are still reaping the rewards brought by their Facebook marketing campaign.