In the fast-paced world of technology, it’s not uncommon for a highly buzzed startup to suddenly close-up shop. And, with so much competition out there, it’s even more difficult to become an established site that users flock to on a daily basis. Fortunately, for David Karp, that wasn’t the case with Tumblr.
Ever since the microblogging site launched in 2007, it’s become one of the most popular and hyped sites online. Besides the millions of new blogs being created on a consistent basis, Tumblr has become an absolute phenomenon where people share everything from lighthearted cartoons to images of a war-torn country.
Hollywood is apparently basing three new TV series based on viral sensations found on the site. Star Wars is officially on board. When Sandy shut-down the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Gawker in 2012, Tumblr became a temporary publishing platform for those sites. If you’re a graduate or undergraduate freaking out over a theses, there’s even a Tumblr that will make you feel a little bit better about your topic. And, if you’re an innovative brand, like these clever 21 bands, you can also use Tumblr as a great marketing tool.
In short. Tumblr is everywhere, and is not only entertaining, but also a great resource for inspiration. And, you should probably beef up your knowledge on the social networking site, because it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. So, here 50 things that you should know about Tumblr.
- As of January 2014, there have been 163.9 million blogs and 72 billion posts on Tumblr.
- 31% of all visitors are located in the U.S, which totals roughly 41,250,000 users.
- Of all the unique visits in the U.S., California accounts for 16.75%.
- As of September 2013, there were 898,000+ visitors from New York and 753,419+ from Los Angeles.
- Seoul has the most unique visitors with more than 1,694,000.
- The average Tumblr user visits about 67 pages every month.
- Tumblr is most popular with the 18-to-29 year old age bracket. About 13% of this demographic have used the site.
- 66% of all visitors are under the age of 35, while 39% are under 25 years-old.
- About 36% of users are parents. That’s 13% less than the average.
- Roughly 35% of all Tumblr visitors earn more than $50,000 annually.
- Only 8% of people with household incomes above $75,000 are on the site. Interestingly, 6% of people with incomes below $30,000 are also visitors.
- The average visit on Tumblr is around 14 minutes, which is more than on Facebook and Twitter.
- 16% of Tumblr visitors are Hispanic, which is more than 7% of the 9% average.
- Overall, Hispanics and African-Americans make up 29% of Tumblr’s audience.
- Unlike other social media sites, Tumblr users are divided equally between genders with 51% of US Tumblr users being male.
- Between June 2012 and 2013, Tumblr has grown globally by 900% by jumping from 10 million unique visitors to 90 million per month during this period.
- Was acquired by Yahoo! on May 20, 2013, for approximately $1.1 billion. The deal officially closed on June 20, 2013.
- After the announcement of the deal with Yahoo!, there were 170,000 signatures of unhappy Tumblr users petitioning to prevent the sale.
- When “GIF” was named word of the year in 2012, Oxford Dictionaries U.S.A. credited Tumblr for pushing the word.
- The Tumblr app for Google Glass was released on May 16, 2013.
- Around 9% of visits occur on a mobile device.
- As of June 2013, TumblrBot has been asked over 180,331 questions.
- Tumblr is one of the top 20 sites in the United States.
- There has been at least once successful marriage proposal on the Tumblr Dashboard.
- Only 2% of users visit the site more than 30 times a month. 40% of users visit 1 – 30 time per month, while 58% only visit once a month.
- Among 13-25 year-olds, Tumblr is more popular than Facebook.
- The site has generated close to 24,000 meetups.
- The site generates some revenue by selling themes to users so that they can change the appearance of their blog.
- As of November 30, 2013, there were over 91.7 million posts created on the site each day.
- The top 10 Tumblr tags are: LOL, Fashion, Vintage, Art, GIF, Makeup, Animals, Landscape, Film and Nail Art.
- In 2011, Tumblr became the first blogging site to host the blog for President Barack Obama.
- In 2013, Tumblr grew 74%. Twitter and LinkedIn grew about 40% in the same period.
- In Tumblr’s New York City office the kitchen area is located directly in the middle of the building. The 216 employees also have cool Tumblr coffee mugs.
- 17% of visits occur while at work.
- The site is visited by more people on their home computers than on work devices.
- About 130,000 people were victims of a chain letter scam that affected the site in May 2011.
- People with a college education account for 65% of Tumblr’s audience.
- Tumblr is available in 13 different languages.
- Only 31 of the top 100 global brands have a Tumblr account. 100% of them were on Facebook and Twitter, while more than two-thirds were on Instagram.
- Since 2007 the site has increased its value from approximately $3 million to $800 million.
- Tumblr purchased Tumblerette (an Apple store app) in 2009. Tumblr’s official iPhone app would appear soon afterwards.
- Prior to the acquisition from Yahoo!, Tumblr had received about $125 million from investors.
- Founder David Karp claims that he developed a passion for code writing after discovering AOL when he was 11 years old.
- Speaking of Karp, he dropped out of the Bronx High School of Science at age 14. Why? Because his mother advised him to.
- The first major ad campaign for Tumblr was with adidas for the launch of the brand’s soccer blog in June 2012.
- The the top 5 countries using Tumblr in June 2013 were: US, Brazil, UK, Canada and Germany. By January 2014, the top 5 were: US, India, UK, Brazil and France.
- Only 2 – 4 percent of content on Tumblr is adult related.
- From June 2010 to June 2011, Tumblr grew an astounding 218%!
- It only took 2 weeks for the site to gain 75,000 users after launching in February 2007.
- Not only is David Karp a genius, he also rides a Vespa to work everyday, is a member of the Classic Car Club in Manhattan, doesn’t use a calendar, and even lived in his mother’s apartment while founding Tumblr in 2006.
Are you on Tumblr? If so, what are usually blogging? Is it to help expand your brand or just to have some fun sharing GIFs?
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