Miss the latest social media news? Here’s a recap of the latest updates on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.
Facebook introduced a new option for muting people and pages, which is a little less anti-social than unfollowing or unfriendliness them. A ‘Snooze’ option is currently being tested among U.S. Facebook users. It appears after clicking on the drop-down menu next to the name of a person, page, or group.
Learn More: Now You Can ‘Snooze’ Instead of Unfollow Others on Facebook
Facebook is testing Instant Videos, a feature that will allow users to watch more video on mobile without eating into their data plan. Videos will be downloaded and cached in the background while using Facebook on a wifi network.
After switching to a cellular network, the pre-loaded videos will be available to watch without having to use mobile data. ‘Instant Videos’ in your feed will be marked with a lightning bolt icon, like AMP and Facebook’s Instant Articles.
Learn More: Facebook Tests Data-Friendly Instant Videos on Mobile
Facebook was quick to offer support for 360-degree photos and video, now it’s going a step further by allowing users to capture 360-degree photos within the mobile app. The ability to capture 360-degree photos is available on both iOS and Android.
Learn More: Facebook’s Mobile App Can Now Capture 360-Degree Photos
Facebook took a hard stance against the sharing of fake news and hoaxes on its platform by banning pages from advertising on Facebook if they have a history of repeatedly sharing fake news.
Learn More: Facebook to Block Ads From Pages That Share Fake News
Instagram is bringing its Snapchat-like stories to the mobile web.When logged into Instagram.com on a mobile web browser, you will now see stories at the top of your feed just like in the app. While viewing a story, left and right arrows will appear for skipping forward or backward.
Bringing Instagram stories to mobile browsers will give people the opportunity to view stories on a larger screen, such as those using tablets.
Learn More: Instagram Stories Are Coming to Mobile Web Browsers
Instagram is giving users the option to share stories directly to Facebook. This feature is being tested, Instagram confirms, without noting when or if it will be rolled out on a wide scale.
Facebook has its own version of Stories, which is presumably where Instagram’s stories will be uploaded. Despite having more daily active users, Facebook’s Stories have not managed to reach the popularity of Instagram’s.
Learn More: Instagram Tests Sharing Stories Directly to Facebook
Instagram users are no longer limited to publishing galleries full of square photos and videos. The company announced photos and videos in portrait or landscape format can now be used within galleries. Instagram has supported portrait and landscape formats for some time now, but not in galleries.
Learn More: Instagram Now Supports Portrait and Landscape Photo & Video in Galleries
Everyone with a LinkedIn account can now upload videos to their page, a feature that was previously available to only a select test group of users. Whether it’s uploading a speech you’ve given, a video resume, or a demonstration of a product, there is now a myriad of new opportunities to showcase yourself and your work on LinkedIn.
Learn More: LinkedIn Users Can Now Upload Videos to Their Page
Pinterest hit a milestone of 200 million monthly active users, which represents a 40 percent growth since last year. Over half of those users live outside the USA. The company also notes over 100 billion pins have been created, and 85 percent of Pinterest searches are on mobile devices.
Learn More: Pinterest Hits 200M Users, + New Features on the Way
Twitter is doubling its signature 140-character limit to 280, a move intended to give people more room to express themselves.
Don’t go on Twitter and try to compose an extra-long tweet just yet though, as the expanded character limit is only being rolled out to a small test group of people. However, Twitter has every intention to roll it out to everyone if the test proves to be successful.
Learn More: Twitter Tests a 280 Character Limit: What You Need to Know
A new addition to Twitter, called ‘Popular Articles,’ will show you the top articles your connections are tweeting about. Popular Articles can be found by opening the Twitter app and tapping the search tab. On this screen, you’ll find sections such as current trending topics, ‘Today’s Moments’ and the new ‘Popular Articles.’
Learn More: Twitter’s ‘Popular Articles’ Shows What Your Connections are Tweeting About
Twitter still has 328 million monthly active users, 100 million daily active users, and 500 million tweets are sent every day on the platform. Businesses can now tailor search results based on a range of dates, people, hashtags and specific phrases, while also excluding words and phrases. This simple guide covers how to use Twitter Advanced Search, with actionable tips that can help you use this tool with maximum efficiency.
Learn More: A Guide to Twitter Advanced Search
Twitter tested a tweetstorm feature built into its own app. When you have a message to get out that exceeds the 140 character limit, chaining multiple tweets together has become known as a “tweetstorm.” Tweetstorms have been a popular feature for years, but doing it correctly involves some careful planning.
Learn More: Twitter is Testing a Built-in Tweetstorm Feature
YouTube is adding restrictions on which accounts can add external links at the end of their videos. External links are added to videos in the form of end cards, and now there are requirements that every account needs to meet to be able to use end cards.
The new requirements for using end cards are that you must join the YouTube Partner Program and your channel must have 10,000 total public views or more.
Learn More: YouTube Changes Rules Regarding Videos With External Links
Google has updated its YouTube app for iOS with the ability to live stream iPhone or iPad screens. YouTube utilizes Apple’s ReplayKit API to allow for live streaming of a user’s screen.
Only verified YouTube users with no live streaming restrictions will be able to take advantage of this feature. While live streaming content on their screen, YouTube users can also use the device’s microphone and front-facing camera to add their own commentary.
Learn More: YouTube Users on iOS Can Now Live Stream Their Screens
YouTube is undergoing a series of changes on mobile and desktop, the most noticeable of which is a new look complete with a new logo. Additional new features include a new design, new gestures, and suggested videos.
Learn More: Google’s YouTube Rolling Out New Features and a New Look