In technical terms, the process involves:
- Crawling: Our crawler fetches and parses information from each URL.
- Extraction of interesting signals for each URL by using several machine learning tools and distributed computing frameworks like Pandas, Scipy and Spark ML.
- Two different clustering algorithms divide the data into different groups, based on their risk level and network structure.
- PageRisks and Semantic Proximity: Safecont uses a meta-classifier combining the results of four classifiers to determine when a URL has problems.
What Other Features Does It Include?
1. Metrics for the Detection of Problematic Content Affecting SEO
- PandaRisk.
- ClusterRisk.
- PageRisk.
- ThinRatio.
- Internal texts Similarity.
- External texts plagiarism.
2. Analysis of Internal Duplicate Content
With five years of development under our belt, we are able to analyze and compare hundreds of thousands of URLs faster and on a larger scale than any of our competitors.
Although not always done intentionally, many websites feature duplicate or near-duplicate content disseminated across different URLs.
This arises because of the site’s inherent structure and architecture, uncontrolled lists, tags, space or mode division multiplexing, defective URLs that load the same content from different pathways, and so on.
Forcing a search engine to browse repeatedly through the same or similar content impairs a website’s perceived authority and impacts negatively on its indexing and ranking.
3. Analysis of External Duplicate Content
By running a comparison with other domains across the web, we detect content copied by other websites and attribute a risk score quantifying the danger that this plagiarized content presents for your ranking.
Information is seized for each webpage that features identical content.
4. Thin Content Detection (Very Little or Low-Quality Content)
5. Semantic Analysis (Semantic Proximity, Semantic Clustering)
6. Web Architecture Analysis
PageRank distribution and accumulation based on depth level, most common anchor texts, most powerful anchor texts, etc.
7. Crawl Analysis
8. Internal Link Auto-Optimizer (Beta Version of an Interlinking Tool That Improves a Website’s Internal Page Authority Distribution)
What’s Our Aim?
The company began its journey in 2015 and has been growing continuously ever since.
After completing a full year of development, we started marketing our product, focusing primarily on the Spanish and European markets.
In time, our client profiles have evolved from small users to companies posting several hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.
In 2019, Safecont was a finalist at the European Search Awards in the category for “Best Software Innovation.”
Safecont is a financially sound software company seeking to expand internationally or reach other kinds of profitable agreements.
This is a complex undertaking, which is why we are open to international partnerships likely to either help us achieve our aim or prove interesting in a different way, like merging with another SaaS.
Besides interesting partnership arrangements, we are open to all kinds of commercial agreements, proposals, or collaborations with the potential to facilitate Safecont’s expansion.
Our technology can be divided, bundled, and adapted to other software and technologies.
Safecont is a fully developed scalable SaaS with endless possibilities on the international market.
You can trial it by following this link or get in touch with us directly through our website.