Want to learn more about search engine optimization (SEO)?
Then you should learn from the top SEO experts.
Reading the top SEO blogs and publications is a good start. So is attending SEO conferences.
But don’t stop there.
SEO is such a giving community.
We share strategies, tactics, tips, tools, data, and so much more on social media and at conferences – as well as in articles, research, and blog posts.
You will definitely learn something new every day from this list of 202 SEO experts.
Follow them if you want a free SEO education.
Why This SEO Experts List Exists
The term “SEO expert” is thrown around a lot these days.
Do a Google search for [seo experts to follow] and you’ll find plenty of lists.
Here’s the thing about most of these lists: they’re usually deeply flawed in one way or another.
Generally, top SEO expert lists:
- Are just a sneaky way for an unknown author to get himself or herself on a list filled with experts and look like a big-time SEO expert.
- Are published by unknown SEO agencies or companies purely for the purposes of attracting links and shares.
- Include people who, while brilliant in other areas of marketing (social media, content marketing, etc.), aren’t really SEO experts.
- Include people who no longer are really involved in SEO (or never really were practitioners). For example, while Matt Cutts, the former distinguished engineer who was head of the webspam team at Google, might be great on a list if it were still 2013 – it’s no longer 2013.
- Include popular “experts” who share bad information that give the industry a bad name. (We won’t name any names here.)
That’s why we began putting together this list of top authorities and experts you should be following or listening to if you want to learn about SEO today.
Bonus: If you want to follow all of these experts on Twitter, we’ve created this helpful Twitter list for you.
How This List Was Compiled
Now the team has updated this list for this year – to bring you what we believe to be the most up-to-date list of high-quality SEO experts you’ll find.
This post isn’t meant to reward everyone who has ever been an SEO professional or includes the acronym SEO in his or her job title. It also isn’t intended to be a popularity contest that confuses expertise with social media follower counts.
The people on this list are all actively involved with SEO now – or they’re sharing SEO information, knowledge, and insights (either via social media, contributing to publications or blogs, or speaking at conferences).
Here was our basic judging criteria (though, like Google, our scoring algorithm was comprised of more than 200 ranking signals ):
- Do they share good SEO content on social media?
- Do they write good content about SEO for blogs/publications?
- Do they speak about SEO at conferences (or webinars, podcasts, etc.)?
- Are they currently doing SEO (not mandatory)?
The main idea of this post is to help you find interesting people who know a lot about SEO and are willing to share what they know.
This is just one way is able to direct you to SEO professionals who can help you improve at your job and advance your career.
While I love the idea that there are hundreds of SEO professionals doing great work who go unrecognized – and there truly are! – if they aren’t visible and sharing knowledge, it doesn’t matter in terms of the list you’re about to read.
No offense is intended toward any of those hard-working people, but if you aren’t making yourself visible to the wider SEO community, then it’s the equivalent of ranking on Page 2 of Google.
Our goal with this list is to highlight people who are trying to help move the industry forward by sharing unique insights/knowledge/tips/ideas, etc.
Finally – there is no rankings order here from best to least best. Each person on this list has value in their own way.
Rather than go in alphabetical order by last name, we plugged our list into this list randomizer (though I did make a few minor adjustments) to give everyone a fair shot at where they appear.
Why You Aren’t On This List
Let’s be honest – these posts are always a bit controversial.
After a post like this is published, there are always a few responses you can expect:
- Those who are mentioned: Generally, they are honored, humbled, or even surprised. It’s always nice to make someone’s day.
- Those who aren’t included: After quickly checking they aren’t on the list, they go to their social media platform of choice and point out its flaws. Typically, it comes in the form of either “this person doesn’t even do SEO,” “you included so-and-so, so this list sucks,” “lists like these devalue our entire industry,” or “this is just a list of the author’s friends.”
Again, no list is perfect.
But we’ve tried to make this list the least imperfect it can be, right now.
If you weren’t included this year, there’s always next year.
If you really want to be here next year, let it motivate you this year – get noticed, share your knowledge with the community, network, and increase your own visibility by building up your personal brand.
And if you really hate this list, you’re welcome to write your own post and publish it wherever you want.
Honorable Mentions
For this year’s installment, no employees or spokespeople from the major search engines were included as part of our 202 SEO experts.
However, we believe every SEO professional should always keep an eye on these people to stay up on the latest updates and get some advice straight from the search engines, as these folks regularly tweet, write, or speak (in Hangouts, at conferences, and on webinars):
Microsoft Bing:
202 SEO Experts to Follow Right Now
OK, now it’s time for the main event and what you came here for – ’s list of SEO experts to follow.
The following people really know their stuff when it comes to SEO.
Follow them if you want to grow your skillset and knowledge.
Areej AbuAli
Founder / Women in Tech SEO
Follow @areej_abuali on Twitter
Dave Davies
Co-Founder / Beanstalk Internet Marketing
Follow @beanstalkim on Twitter
Dan Taylor
Head of Research & Development / SALT.agency
Follow @TaylorDanRW on Twitter
Jes Scholz
International Digital Director / Ringier AG
Fili Wiese
SEO Expert / SearchBrothers.com
Ruth Everett
Technical SEO Analyst / DeepCrawl
Follow @rvtheverett on Twitter
Tyler Reardon
SEO Manager / Chewy
Follow @TylerReardon on Twitter
Carolyn Shelby
Technical SEO & News SEO / ESPN
Christoph C. Cemper
Founder and CEO / LinkResearchTools
Craig Campbell
SEO Trainer & Consultant / Craig Campbell SEO
Follow @craigcampbell03 on Twitter
Jackie Chu
Global SEO Lead / Uber
Jeff Ferguson
Partner / Amplitude Digital
Ross Hudgens
Founder & CEO / Siege Media
Follow @rosshudgens on Twitter
Cindy Krum
CEO & Founder / MobileMoxie
Jan-Willem Bobbink
Freelance SEO Consultant
Valentin Pletzer
Head of SEO / BurdaForward GmbH
Follow @VorticonCmdr on Twitter
Lily Ray
SEO Director / Path Interactive
Suganthan Mohanadasan
Co-Founder & Technical SEO Lead / Snippet Digital
Follow @Suganthanmn on Twitter
Andrea Volpini
Co-Founder & CEO / Wordlift
Anna Crowe
Assistant Editor / & Head of Content / Leadfeeder
Follow @annaleacrowe on Twitter
Kristopher Jones
Founder / LSEO
Follow @krisjonescom on Twitter
Taylor Berg
Senior SEO Manager / Talkspace
Follow @taylorannberg on Twitter
Brodie Clark
SEO Consultant / Brodie Clark Consulting
Motoko Hunt
President & International Search Marketing Consultant / AJPR
Barry Schwartz
President and Owner / RustyBrick
Adam Riemer
President / Adam Riemer Marketing, LLC
Follow @rollerbladeron Twitter
Carrie Hill
Local SEO Specialist/Analyst / Sterling Sky Inc
Mordy Oberstein
Liaison to the SEO Community / Wix
Follow @MordyOberstein on Twitter
JP Sherman
Manager of Search & Findability / Red Hat
Carolyn Lyden
Lead SEO + Owner / Search Hermit
Follow @CarolynLyden on Twitter
Steven Kang
Founder / SEOSignalsLab
Follow @SEOSignalsLab on Twitter
John Shehata
Global VP – Audience Dev. / Condé Nast
Abby Hamilton
SEO Associate Manager / Merkle
Follow @abbynhamilton on Twitter
Michael King
Founder / iPullRank
Kevin Indig
Director of SEO / Shopify
Follow @Kevin_Indig on Twitter
Jamie Indigo
Technical SEO Consultant / Not a Robot
Follow @Jammer_Volts on Twitter
Max Prin
Head of Technical SEO / Merkle
Andy Betts
Executive Advisor and Consultant
Claire Carlile
Digital Marketing Consultant / Claire Carlile Marketing
Follow @clairecarlile on Twitter
Andy Simpson
Local & Technical SEO
Follow @ndyjsimpson on Twitter
Damon Gochneaur
Founder / Aspiro Agency
Follow @DamonGochneaur on Twitter
Alexis Sanders
Senior SEO Manager / Merkle
Follow @alexisksanders on Twitter
Cyrus Shepard
Founder / Zyppy
Follow @CyrusShepard on Twitter
David Mihm
Founder / Tidings
Mindy Weinstein
Founder & CEO / Market MindShift
Follow @mindyweinstein on Twitter
Jason Barnard
Owner / Kalicube
Follow @jasonmbarnard on Twitter
Lukasz Zelezny
SEO Consultant & SEO Specialist
Follow @LukaszZelezny on Twitter
Krystal Taing
Solutions Engineer & Strategic Partnerships / Uberall
Follow on @krystal_taing Twitter
Tim Capper
SEO Consultant / Online Ownership
Marcus Tober
Founder & Chief Innovation Officer / Searchmetrics
Follow @MarcusTober on Twitter
Christina Brodzky
Founder & SEO Consultant / MediaSesh
Kelvin Newman
Founder / BrightonSEO
Follow @kelvinnewman on Twitter
Arnout Hellemans
Consultant / OnlineMarketThink
Aysun Akarsu
Data Scientist / DatAIzer
Follow @aysunakarsu on Twitter
Paddy Moogan
Co-Founder / Aira
Follow @paddymoogan on Twitter
Shaun Anderson
SEO Consultant / Hobo-web.co.uk
Bibi Lauri Raven
Link Builder / BibiBuzz
Follow @BibiBuzzCom on Twitter
Loren Baker
Founder /
Rob Woods
Owner / Rob Woods Consulting
Izzi Smith
Technical SEO Analyst / Ryte
Trond Lyngbø
Founder / Search Planet AS
Follow @TrondLyngbo on Twitter
Gerry White
SEO Director / RiseAtSeven
Casie Gillette
Sr. Director of Digital /KoMarketing
Darren Shaw
Founder & President / Whitespark
Alan Bleiweiss
Forensic SEO Consultant / Alan Bleiweiss Consulting
Follow @alanbleiweiss on Twitter
Jori Ford
Chief Marketing Officer / FoodBoss
Follow @chicagoseopro on Twitter
Bill Hartzer
CEO / Hartzer Consulting
Andrew Optimisey
Founder / Optimisey
Amanda Jordan
Local Search Analyst / LOCOMOTIVE
Follow @amandatjordan on Twitter
Casey Markee
Founder / Media Wyse
Saijo George
SEO Strategy Director / Supple
Follow @SaijoGeorge on Twitter
Marie Haynes
Owner / Marie Haynes Consulting
Follow @Marie_Haynes on Twitter
Andy Drinkwater
Freelance SEO Consultant / IQSEO LTD
Wil Reynolds
Founder & VP of Innovation / Seer Interactive
Follow @wilreynolds on Twitter
Faye Watt
SEO Manager / Superdry
Oliver H.G. Mason
Freelance Technical SEO
Joe Hall
SEO Consultant & Principal Analyst / Hall Analysis LLC
Kate Toon
Founder / Stay Tooned Inc
Brian Harnish
Lead SEO / iLoveSEO
Follow @BrianHarnish on Twitter
Martin MacDonald
Founder / MOG Media Inc.
Follow @searchmartin on Twitter
Maret Reutelingsperger
Inbound Marketing Consultant and SEO / Mobe Digital
Dr. Pete Meyers
Marketing Scientist / Moz
Ryan Jones
SEO Group Director / Razorfish
Nik Ranger
SEO Specialist / StudioHawk
Follow @nikrangerseo on Twitter
Aaron Bradley
Knowledge Graph Strategist / Electronic Arts (EA)
Jesse McDonald
Global SEO Strategist / IBM
Follow @jesseseogeek on Twitter
Orit Mutznik
Head of SEO / SilkFred
Jamar Ramos
Partner & COO / Crunchy Links
Andrew Charlton
Freelance SEO Consultant
Follow @bertiecharlton on Twitter
Kelsey Jones
Marketing Consultant, Owner / Six Stories & StoryShout
Follow @wonderwall7 on Twitter
Jono Alderson
Special Ops / Yoast
Follow @jonoalderson on Twitter
Hamlet Batista
CEO / RankSense
Follow @hamletbatista on Twitter
Editor’s Note: This list was compiled prior to Hamlet’s untimely death. Read more about Hamlet here.
Jessica Levenson
Head of Digital Strategy & SEO / Oracle NetSuite
Follow @guerillagirl on Twitter
Bryson Meunier
SEO Expert and Consultant
Follow @brysonmeunier on Twitter
Andrew Shotland
CEO / LocalSEOGuide.com
Follow @localseoguide on Twitter
Helen Pollitt
Managing Director & Lead SEO / Arrows Up
Follow @HelenPollitt1 on Twitter
Nick Eubanks
Chief Strategy Officer / From The Future
Follow @nick_eubanks on Twitter
Pedro Dias
Head of SEO / Reach PLC
Britney Muller
Founder / Data Sci 101
Follow @BritneyMuller on Twitter
Chuck Price
Founder / Measurable SEO
Follow @ChuckPrice518 on Twitter
Dan Shure
Consultant/Owner and Podcast Host / Evolving SEO
Martha van Berkel
CEO and Co-founder / Schema App
Follow @marthavanberkel on Twitter
Tomek Rudzki
Head of R&D, Technical SEO / Onely
Follow @TomekRudzki on Twitter
Shay Ohayon
Founder / Schema Mark App
Follow @SchemaMarkups on Twitter
Himani Kankaria
Ecommerce & Digital Marketing Consultant / eComKeeda
Follow @himani_kankaria on Twitter
Richard Baxter
SEO & Non Executive Director / Builtvisible
Follow @richardbaxter on Twitter
Jason Mun
Director / Overdose
Jo Turnbull
Freelance SEO Consultant and Growth Marketer / SEO Jo Blogs
Dan Leibson
Chief Operating Officer / Local SEO Guide
Eric Enge
General Manager / Perficient Digital
Follow @stonetemple on Twitter
Paige Hobart
SEO Team Director / ROAST
Follow @PaigeHobart on Twitter
Keith Goode
Sr. SEO Strategist / IBM
Bastian Grimm
CEO & Director Organic Search / Peak Ace AG
Ashley Berman Hale
Director of Technical SEO Consulting / DeepCrawl
Paul Shapiro
Global Director, Technical SEO / Condé Nast
David Harry
Lead SEO Consultant / Verve Developments
Dawn Anderson
Managing Director / Bertey
Charly Wargnier
SEO, BI & Data Engineering Consultant
Jeremy Rivera
Freelance SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant
Follow @JeremyRiveraSEO on Twitter
Alli Berry
SEO Director / The Motley Fool
Elias Dabbas
Owner / The Media Supermarket
Follow @eliasdabbas on Twitter
Dave Sottimano
Owner & Director / David Sottimano Search Consulting
Niki Mosier
Head of SEO and Content / AgentSync
Omi Sido
Senior Technical SEO / Canon Europe
Will Critchlow
Founder and CEO / SearchPilot
Follow @willcritchlow on Twitter
Roxana Stingu
Head of SEO / Alamy
Follow @RoxanaStingu on Twitter
Grant Simmons
VP, Performance Marketing / Homes.com
Eli Schwartz
Growth Advisor / Eli Schwartz
Gisele Navarro
CEO / NeoMam Studios
Follow @ichbinGisele on Twitter
Duane Forrester
VP of Industry Insights / Yext
Follow @DuaneForrester on Twitter
Aleh Barysevich
Founder and CMO / SEO PowerSuite
Rachel Anderson
Technical SEO Analyst / DeepCrawl
Follow @rachelleighrva on Twitter
Gianluca Fiorelli
SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant / ILoveSEO.net
Heather Lloyd-Martin
CEO / SuccessWorks Search Marketing
Follow @heatherlloyd on Twitter
Dave Smart
Technical SEO / Tame the Bots
Marianne Sweeny
Principal Consultant / BrightEdge
Steven van Vessum
VP of Community / ContentKing
Follow @Stevenvvessum on Twitter
Dixon Jones
CEO / inLinks.net
Follow @Dixon_Jones on Twitter
Jess Peck
Digital Analytics, Senior Consultant / CVS Health
Ross Tavendale
Managing Director / Type A Media
Ammon Johns
Internet Marketing Consultant
Follow @Ammon_Johns on Twitter
Viola Eva
SEO Consultant & Founder / Flow SEO
John Morabito
VP, SEO / Stella Rising
Follow @JohnMorabitoSEO on Twitter
Victor Pan
Head of Technical SEO / HubSpot
Upasna Gautam
Digital News & Platform Product Management / CNN
Follow @UpasnaGautam on Twitter
Arsen Rabinovich
Founder / TopHatRank
Follow @tophatarsen on Twitter
Ian Lurie
Digital Marketing Consultant / Ian Lurie Consulting
Aleyda Solis
International SEO Consultant and Founder / Orainti
Luke Carthy
Ecommerce Growth Consultant
Follow @MrLukeCarthy on Twitter
Greg Gifford
Vice President of Search / SearchLab
Follow @greggifford on Twitter
Julie Joyce
Owner / Link Fish Media
Patrick Stox
Product Advisor, Technical SEO, & Brand Ambassador / Ahrefs
Follow @patrickstox on Twitter
Bartosz Goralewicz
Founder & CEO / Onely
Follow @bart_goralewicz on Twitter
Hannah Rampton
Freelance SEO Consultant
Follow @HannahRampton on Twitter
Robbie Richards
Founder / robbierichards.com
Follow @RobbieRichMktg on Twitter
Dave Rohrer
Founder / NorthSide Metrics
Ruth Burr Reedy
Vice President of Strategy / UpBuild
Eric Wu
Product Growth / Honey
Topher Kohan
Senior Manager SEO / Cox Automotive Inc.
Steph Whatley
SEO Manager / Blue Array
Stephan Bajaio
Chief Evangelist & Co-Founder / Conductor
Follow @stephanbajaio on Twitter
Jeremy Knauff
CEO and Founder / Spartan Media
Follow @jeremyknauff on Twitter
Holly Miller Anderson
SEO Manager / SearsPartsDirect.com
Follow @millertime_baby on Twitter
Aymen Loukil
International SEO Consultant
Follow @LoukilAymen on Twitter
Alina Benny
Content SEO / Nextiva
Follow @alinacbenny on Twitter
Sam Underwood
Search Marketing Consultant
Follow @SamUnderwoodUK on Twitter
Annie Cushing
Senior Marketing Analyst / Annielytics
Follow @AnnieCushing on Twitter
Bill Slawski
Director of SEO Research / Go Fish Digital
Follow @bill_slawski on Twitter
Jim Boykin
CEO & Founder / Internet Marketing Ninjas
Dana DiTomaso
President & Partner / Kick Point
Follow @danaditomaso on Twitter
Dan Petrovic
Director / DEJAN Marketing
Roger Montti
Owner / Martinibuster.com and News Writer /
Follow @martinibuster on Twitter
Debra Mastaler
President / Alliance-Link
Follow @debramastaler on Twitter
Jon Henshaw
Founder / Coywolf
Tony Wright
CEO / WrightIMC
Follow @tonynwright on Twitter
Kim Doughty
SEO / RicketyRoo
Luke Davis
SEO Executive / Impression
Jim Christian
CEO / Blush Digital
Natalie Arney
Digital Marketing Consultant & SEO
Michael Bonfils
Global Managing Director / SEM International
Follow @michaelbonfils on Twitter
Mark Williams-Cook
Director / Candour
Follow @thetafferboy on Twitter
Kristina Azarenko
Founder, Ecommerce & Technical SEO Consultant / MarketingSyrup
Barry Adams
SEO Consultant / Polemic Digital
JR Oakes
Senior Director, Technical SEO Research / LOCOMOTIVE Agency
Rachel Costello
Technical SEO Consultant / Builtvisible
Follow @rachellcostello on Twitter
Tim Soulo
CMO / Ahrefs
Chris Boggs
Founder / Web Traffic Advisors
Jenn Mathews
SEO Manager / GitHub
Ross Simmonds
CEO / Foundation
Follow @thecoolestcool on Twitter
Matt Siltala
Founder & President / Avalaunch Media
Follow @Matt_Siltala on Twitter
Melissa Fach
Sr. SEO Content Manager at Cox Automotive – KBB, Autotrader
Micah Fisher-Kirshner
Director of SEO & Content / Turn/River Capital
Simon Cox
Technical SEO Consultant / Cox and Co Creative
Kaspar Szymanski
SEO Consultant and Co-Founder / SearchBrothers
Shelly Fagin
Founder & SEO / Highly Searched
Follow @shellyfagin on Twitter
Marcus Tandler
Co-Founder & Chief Evangelist / RYTE
Glenn Gabe
SEO Consultant / G-Squared Interactive
Rhea Drysdale
CEO & Lead Strategist / Outspoken Media
Dan Brooks
SEO Consultant / Aira
Follow @seodanbrooks on Twitter
AJ Kohn
Owner / Blind Five Year Old
Sarah McDowell
SEO Content Specialist / Holland & Barrett
Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
Founder / Holistic SEO & Digital
Featured Image Credit: Paulo Bobita