It has been confirmed that Google AdWords price extensions are now eligible to be shown on all devices.
Price extensions were typically displayed underneath mobile text ads as a way for advertisers to highlight specific products and/or services along with their corresponding costs. Now, with absolutely no additional effort on the advertiser’s end, price extensions can be shown on all devices.
Advertisers can continue to use their price extension URLs as they had been previously set up, with the option to customize a mobile URL field with a link to a mobile-specific page.
As you can see from the screenshot provided below, the overall look and feel of price extensions have not changed.
When setting up price extensions advertisers must 3 choose a minimum of 3 products/services to be displayed, up to a maximum of 8. As many as 5 can be displayed in search results.
While being proven to increase CTR of AdWords ads by as much as 120%, a commenter in the thread points out an added bonus of using price extensions is the entire ad unit takes up a significant amount of screen real estate.
For more information on how to get the most out of this AdWords feature, see our article on how to drives sales with price extensions.