The big news in April was Google’s mobile algorithm update, but there was plenty going on in the content marketing arena, too. Keeping track of all the new information in the content marketing world can be a pain, which is why I do the work for you each month with our content marketing roundup.
This month’s round up includes tips on tracking the ROI of your content, how to cultivate content (cultivation = great content from your audience), and a look at the career path of a great content marketer.
As always, this list is completely objective and listed in no particular order.
How Content Cultivation Can Reinvigorate Your Content Marketing Efforts by Anne Janzer
This article on the Marketo blog talks about another form of content development many marketers might overlook. Most of us know about content curation; but what about content cultivation? (And what does that mean, anyways?) Anne explains cultivation involves inviting current and potential customers to contribute content, with an incentive.
This model isn’t so different from what we do on SEJ (giving writers the opportunity to reach a broader audience by writing thought-provoking articles), but there are applications for other brands as well.
Anne gives an example of Babson College, which asks its student, faculty, and alumni to contribute their definition of entrepreneurship. These definitions are collected on a landing page, which continues to drive traffic three years into the program.
Don’t skip this article if: You are looking for a new way to develop great content that requires minimal work on your end.
What’s Next for Your Content Marketing Career? by Jason Miller
This article on Content Marketing Institute is a great read for content marketers. There are tons written about best practices and new techniques, but rarely do we reflect on what it means to be a content marketer and where our careers are going.
This article breaks down the different levels of a content marketer, from starting out as a “Young Gun” to reaching the top of your career. The best part? Jason offers actionable advice for content marketers at all levels to keep growing in their career.
Check out this article if: You are a content marketer looking to grow your career.
The Ultimate Online Editing and Proofreading Checklist by Pamela Vaughan
I live and breathe for good grammar. (Oxford comma, FTW.) So any time I see an article about editing, I am going to check it out. This article on Hubspot is fantastic guide for creating awesome content. The checklist is filled with tons of items you might not consider normally when editing, for example: “Is the flow logical?” and “Are big chunks of text broken up with headers and paragraph breaks so it’s easier on the eyes and readers can scan and skim?”.
These more in depth items will help you take so-so content and make it great.
You will want to check out this article if: You want to create better content.
Demystifying Content Marketing’s ROI With A Data-Driven Methodology by Matt Cronin
A large number of brands struggle with tracking the ROI of their content marketing strategy. Should you be counting social shares, tracking conversions from your posts, or e-book downloads? The truth is, good ROI looks different for every brand, and every piece of content!
In this article on SEMRush, Matt digs deep to help you figure out what good ROI might look like for your brand, and how to develop a program that shows the value content marketing brings to your brand or your clients brand.
You will want to read this article if: You are a content marketer who has ever struggled to explain the value of your work or you question whether content marketing is worth all the effort.
5 Ways That Webinars Outperform E-Books for Content Marketing by Tracy Vides
Too many brands equate content marketing with text content, which is a huge missed opportunity. This article on Tech.co disects two types of content – e-books and webinars – and compares how each type of content can help you reach your content marketing goals.
Both types of content are fantastic ways to offer your audience in depth content, but Tracy breaks down the benefits of webinars, which should help you determine when each type of content will be most useful. For example, if you want to give a detailed product demo, a webinar is likely the best format.
Read this article if: Your brand creates or is considering creating e-Books or webinars.
Final Thoughts
Content marketing is an exciting, ever changing field, which is part of what makes it so interesting! These were my top picks of interesting content news from the past month, did I miss anything you thought was important? Please, feel free to share in the comments section.
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