ContentMart: Counteracting Content Demand | SEJ

This is a sponsored post written by Contentmart. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

As the internet becomes more and more accessible to people all over the world, providing relevant and high-quality content is vital to drawing in readers. Contentmart is committed to providing substantial messages and content so you can focus on more important aspects of your business. We are dedicated to offering you the best content without going through the rigorous hassle of conceptualization and execution.

Why is high-quality content so vital to your online success?

A map of the world in terms of digital exclusion

Expanding Digital Participation

In 2015, a third of a billion people first ventured onto the internet. Many more are likely to come online for the first time in the future: by 2020, 4 billion people will be online around the world. And these new ‘netizens’ aren’t only coming from remote villages in third world countries, it’s thought 15% of adult Americans and 20% of adult Britons aren’t yet online, and there are active programs to overcome this digital exclusion in both countries.

But many new users will be young ‘digital natives’, some them not yet born, who won’t know what it’s like to live in a world without the internet. They’ll expect to be able to access goods and services online as standard, and they’ll fully expect to find all the online content they need to support this. They are also prepared to pay for content.

The Need for Content

With more and more people coming online, society will be increasingly reliant on internet-based solutions for many services. This might include educational resources, product and technical support, and health care services. Much more of our transactions will happen online, with a massive increase in e-commerce anticipated across the world and in major emerging markets such as India.

The amount of digital content that’s consumed will increase, and companies will need to keep on top of producing it. Many brands will move their services online to a larger digital audience, and there will be an increased demand for content to support this.

The Evolution of Content

Creating effective content is tough. User needs evolve, and the content style they favor evolves as well. At the birth of the internet (only a few short decades ago!), no one could have predicted the emergence of the kind of content produced for social media and for services such as microblogging.

Now, these types of content dominate across the net. It’s likely we can’t even imagine the type of written content users are going to demand by the time we reach the next decade. To succeed online, brands are going to have to commit to long-term programs of content production simply to keep themselves relevant.

New types of content that we couldn’t have foreseen e.g

Skills Shortage

This explosion in demand for online content coincides with a shortage of skilled professional content producers. This dearth in the supply of people who are able to meet the demand for content is likely to drive up the cost of content production as good content writers can demand higher payment for their services. Companies are also likely to find it difficult to find and retain great content writers.

Contentmart: Where Demand Meets Supply has foreseen the gulf between supply and demand for great content. We’re committed to identifying great content talent and connecting them to those who need content produced. As the world comes online, we’re anticipating a huge need for this kind of service.

Sign up today if you’re keen to participate in the exciting future of content.

Image Credits

Featured Image: Image by Contentmart
In-post Photo #1: Image by Contentmart via Used with permission. 

In-post Photo #2: Image by Contentmart via Used with permission. 

In-post Photo #3: Image by Contentmart via Used with permission. 

In-post Photo #4: Image by Contentmart. Used with permission.