100 Types of Content: The Definitive Guide for Marketers

Content is power.

It comes in countless forms, and each of those forms can be pivoted into countless permutations.

Think your about page has to be text?

Think again.

The world of media is at your fingertips: video, images, audio, and even GIFs.

They’re each engaging on their own, but, use them in combination and you’ll be making powerhouse content.

You can also get a ton of mileage out of a single piece of content by repurposing it.

A how-to blog is not just a blog – it’s the script for an explainer video, or a shareable infographic, or the base of an e-book.

Each form reaches a different set of eyes and expands your network.

Ready to learn more?

Check out these 100 types of content to dive into getting the most mileage out of your content.

1. About

Your “about us” content is some of the strongest content you can create for your brand.

It positions you or your company as a market leader, earns trust, and builds a human connection – if it’s done well.

Here’s how we do it:

In three sentences, we outline our team’s mission, a snippet of our history, and how we serve our audience authority content.

2. App

Great apps don’t often start from scratch.

Just look at Gabriel Wyner, who pivoted his best-selling book “Fluent Forever” into a language-learning app.

3. Audiobook

Reach your audience on the go by adding an audio-component to an existing e-book.

For example, Ryan Holiday’s Growth Hacker expands his book audience to include listeners by adding an Audible audiobook.

Audible’s easy self-production publisher platform, ACX, makes this accessible for everyone.

4. Augmented Reality

Want to make your brand part of everyday life?

Pokemon Go is an amazing example: they caught the casual mobile gaming network, reaching a whole new set of fans.

5. Awards

Awards are great for eliciting a response from professionals – and also generating content.

Look no further than the U.S. Search Awards.

Every year, they hand out awards to top SEO and marketing professionals.

6. Behind the Scenes

Team building, project progress, and culture are all great places to start for behind the scenes content.

Facebook shows off their behind-the-scenes London engineering office with this exclusive look.

7. Blog Post

Think of your blog as the hub for all of your wide-reaching content.

Our strategy at : frequent, high-quality posts to maximize traffic growth.

8. Cartoon / Comic

Need a laugh?

Marketoonist shows us how it’s done: avoid tone-deaf marketing, keep it simple, and put out new cartoons frequently.

9. Case Study

Think a case study has to be a dry, visually boring pdf to be professional?

Hubspot begs to differ: they engage with statistics, images, testimonials and more.

10. Calendar

Great if your brand deals in local events and conferences.

Check out Amelia to build your own events calendar.

11. Cause

Causes take a brand from interesting to admirable.

Axe uses purpose-driven content to confront an issue and re-orient toward a human focus.

12. Certification Program

Up-level your authority by creating an online course or certification program.

Moz Academy provides polished, straightforward information about exactly what you can expect to learn.

13. Challenge

Challenges can be used to mobilize your audience.

Just look at NaNoWriMo, a nonprofit that hosts an annual novel-writing challenge.

Their dedicated community stays engaged all year long.

14. Cheat Sheet

What does a successful cheat sheet look like?

Marketing Insider Group knows: they teach beginners how to format a killer blog in a single image and 13 words.

15. Checklist

What better to exemplify a checklist than a checklist for writing checklists?

Create an objective-focused, breakdown with simple points, and consistent formatting.

16. Clickbait

Bad clickbait is all surface-level, but you can use the same tactics for high-quality content.

does this by using the listicle format, emotional words, and bringing unique value to the conversation.

17. Co-branded

When two brands partner to form a new product or service, that’s co-branding.

A great example of this is PayPal and Honey, a match which magnifies the goal of maximizing your money.

18. Collaborative / Co-created Content

Collaborative content dramatically expands your audience with each contributor you add.

The bonus: guest posts, interviews, and contributor quotes add a ton of value to your content.

19. Company Culture

You can reveal a lot about company culture in just the form you present it.

Here’s how: Scribe Writing’s amazing culture bible is a publicly editable Google Doc.

20. Comparison

This content is great for outlining:

  • Pros and cons
  • Your product vs another
  • Features available at different price points
  • Your ideal customer’s journey to conversion

Whatever your aim, be bold, but bottle up your bias.

21. Content Library / Resource Center

If you’re reading this, it’s likely you found our resource library.

It’s chock-full of ebooks, the history of Google algorithm updates, podcasts, and webinars.

22. Contest

A contest is a great way to attract new followers and boost engagement from your loyal audience.

Take Upwork: they asked for success stories in exchange for a chance to win $1,000.

23. Course

The world of digital marketing never sleeps, and that means your followers are constantly looking for ways to level up their skills.

Social Creators (an education company focused on storytelling) immediately boost their credibility and show expertise with a single high-quality image.

24. Curated Content

Great for link-building and widening your audience, curated content comes in 3 main forms: your content, content from around the web, or a mix of both.

Check out Brain Pickings for curated content with a unified focus.

25. Data: Analysis

Original data is valuable. Original data + analysis? Priceless.

WordStream has done this incredibly well over the years.

For example, WordStream looked at how COVID-19 impacted Google Ads results in 21 industries – and also provided actionable tips on how to minimize the impact.

26. Data: Journalism

Put simply, data journalism is storytelling using data.

FiveThirtyEight are kings of data journalism, especially when it comes to politics

Check out their The Atlas of Redistricting – which used data to draw up alternative congressional maps to encourage more competitive elections.

27. Data: Visualization

Visual content is addictively readable.

Charts and graphs are a simple way to show a large amount of data without getting caught up in the nitty-gritty.

Visualized data can take the form of size comparison, like Reuter’s chilling graphics on the single-use plastic crisis.

28. Day in the Life

This type of content was made for video.

Elif Hiz combines an authentic, behind-the-scenes style with a dressed-down approach to real challenges she faces as a digital marketing manager.

29. Demo / Product Tour

Transformative product demos not only show how awesome the product is, but also how it will help people achieve the outcomes they’re looking for.

Take GoPro’s HERO 8 Black + Max demo – it’s visceral, edge-of-your-seat content and it shows the kind of extreme lifestyle many GoPro users aspire toward.

30. Diagram

Maybe you have a complicated idea you’d like to introduce.

Maybe you’d like to break down a product and show exactly how it works (guts first).

Diagrams – like the Social Media Transit Map – quickly and beautifully show interconnectivity.

31. Dictionary

Want to educate your followers on need-to-know industry terms?

Hootsuite’s social media glossary is a great example of providing valuable definitions that bolster their brand-specific authority.

32. Easter Egg

Like their colorful real-world counterparts, this hidden content makes us smile.

That’s because it can show a brand’s silly side, like Google’s Dino Run Game, which only appears on Chrome if your internet connection’s gone out.

33. Ebook

Think of ebooks as a deep-dive on your most popular content, like our Complete Guide to Holiday Marketing.

Offering free ebooks is also an excellent way to grow your email list.

34. Email

Emails can offer information on upcoming webinars, motivate action, and way more.

Craft outstanding subject lines for a higher open rate use emotional words, second person (you, your), and keep it simple.

35. Ephemeral Content

In the blink of an eye (or a few seconds, anyway), it’s gone.

Think: Snapchat – it engages the FOMO-instinct and elicits immediate action.

36. Events: In-Person

There’s no substitute for live events.

That’s why the Content Marketing Institute leverages summits and award ceremonies as part of their brand strategy.

37. Events: Virtual

Now more than ever, e-conferences and virtual events are essential.

A virtual event could be as simple as livestreaming on YouTube or Facebook – or as complicated as hosting an eSummit with thousands of attendees.

38. Explainer

Satisfy that knowledge-hungry urge and mobilize your audience.

PBS Eons kick major butt in the education market, with relevant merch connected to their smart content.

39. Fact Check

Want to expose fake news?

Corrective uses raw investigative journalism to shine a light on the truth.

40. Facts

Let facts triumph over fiction.

often compiles relevant and useful facts aimed at helping marketers do their jobs better.

41. Failures

Failure can be humbling – it can also be endearing.

Content Marketing Institute shows their vulnerable side by acknowledging failures and showing how they’ve grown.

42. FAQ

FAQs build trust and transparency.

Line’s image-based FAQs are easy to read and align with their brand.

43. Forums

Reddit can be intimidating.

Redditors refuse to be marketed to – but they will participate as an honest focus group.

Insurance company TransAmerica used their conversations on Reddit to create new content.

44. Game

Make content marketing more fun with games.

Try tools like The Training Arcade, where you can create a game tailored to your target audience.

45. Gated

Want your audience to feel special?

Exclusive content – like Patreon supporters-only content – rewards your followers for their engagement.

46. GIFs

It’s no secret the new language of the internet is GIFs.

Nerd Fitness harnesses them to explain exercises and include readers in inside jokes.

47. Gossip

Everyone loves a bit of hot gossip.

That’s why People uses rumors as a jumping-off point for discussion and employs clickbait headlines to hook readers.

48. Guest Post

Whether you are posting on a third-party site, or a guest blogger is posting on your blog, guest posts are an incredible way to expand your reach and talk to new audiences.

New to guest posting? Ace your first one by following Quicksprout’s checklist.

49. Guide

In-depth, definitive, ultimate – all three of these words describe a deep-diving guide on any topic.

Our Link Building Guide is extensively researched and easy to digest.

50. Hiring & Recruiting

Help aspiring employees understand what you’re looking for.

LinkedIn quickly outlines criteria on its streamlined, eye-catching platform.

51. How-To

Two rules of thumb keep your how-to’s sharp: relevance and authenticity.

Optin Monster hits it out of the park with How to Make Money on Instagram.

52. Human Interest

This type of content is all about positivity.

Inspire your audience with growth-focused stories like Bold Content’s high-quality videos.

53. Humor

Laughter is the best medicine, and it’s also some of the best marketing.

Scott Adams builds camaraderie with his audience through hilarious cartoons.

54. Images: Stock

Stock photos and images add a professional polish to any content.

User-submitted photos on Pexels are high-quality and millennial-oriented.

55. Images: Original

Want to see your images all over the web?

Mark Smiciklas crafts high-quality graphics, expanding his follower-base without a tremendous effort.

56. Infographic

Easy to skim, visually appealing infographics help readers digest (and share) data.

Check out Venngage for amazing examples and templates.

57. Interview / Q&A / AMA

Want to increase your authority on a topic?

Interview an expert, or try an AMA session on Reddit – Bill Gates took what he learned and repurposed it into tons of cutting-edge content.

58. Investigative

You don’t have to be a journalist to investigate a mystery or debunk some long-held beliefs.

You don’t need to invest tons of hours into an expose.

The truth is out there – in the form of accurate facts, data, or quotes.

All you have to do is go find it.

Here’s a simple example: 10 Facts You Think You Know About SEO That Are Actually Myths.

59. Landing Page

It’s your home base, so it pays to make it shine.

Our eye-catching landing page features three hot stories in a moving carousel.

60. Listicle

Here are 3 reasons listicles are awesome:

  • They’re skimmable.
  • They’re straightforward.
  • People love lists.

7 Awesome SEO Tools Offering a Free Trial is a stellar example.

61. Magazines

Whether print or online, publishing a magazine is a great way to make sure there’s always fresh, expert content on your website.

Check out Forbes for high-quality examples.

62. Maps

We can’t pass this content type without mentioning one of the most-searched maps on the web in 2020: the Johns Hopkins live COVID-19 tracker.

It converts complicated, global data into a digestible map.

63. Memes

One does not simply make a new meme – it’s all about community iteration.

BuzzFeed combines memes to connect with an internet-hip audience and give them an inside-joke chuckle.

64. Microsite

It’s exactly what it says on the tin: compact, simple, and to the point.

Collaborative Fund uses a fun infographic to highlight the effect car sharing will have on the future.

66. News: Analysis

Take your audience on an in-depth journey.

Politico produces reputable, bleeding-edge analyses, raising the value of the entire publication.

67. News: Breaking

This just in: by-the-seat-of-your-pants content is a great tactic for maintaining reader engagement.

Adweek nails it with breaking news in the marketing niche.

68. News: Company

Have a new product or service?

Announce it with company news.

Check out SpaceX’s innovative coverage of their new product, rightly reframed as history-making news.

69. News: Current Affairs

Create content that discusses how important happenings in the world are impacting your business, market, or niche right now.

The obvious example for 2020: The impact of COVID-19 is an opportunity to create content that will inform and help your audience.

did this by offering several articles on the impact of COVID-19.

70. News: Industry News / Recap

Google and social media platforms are constantly changing.

Our news section provides the latest on Google shifts, SEO, social media updates, and more.

71. Newsletter

Keep your audience in the loop.

We optimize our newsletter by formatting for all devices and making sure to add eye-catching images.

72. Opinion

This content type has many names:

  • Argumentative
  • Rant
  • Perspective
  • Commentary
  • Thinkpiece

For an amazing example of a smart, authentic opinion piece, read Mark Ritson’s Marketing in the Time of COVID-19.

73. Opposing Perspectives

Duke it out!

Steven Crowder’s “Change My Mind” prompts live discussion on tough issues.

74. Paid Tools

All high-quality content goes through rigorous proofreading before going live.

Tools like Grammarly provide free basic service, and in-depth attention for paid users.

75. PDF

Releasing a PDF is a great way to establish authority on a subject.

Check out Deloitte for a high-quality example.

76. Personal Narrative

Let your vulnerable side shine.

Noelle Stevenson deeply humanizes her image by exposing her difficult personal journey in “The Fire Never Goes Out”.

77. Photo Gallery

Whether in a carousel format or a single page, photos boost engagement and drive clicks.

Expedia uses photos to sell not just a great trip, but a lifestyle.

78. Plugin

Developing a plugin for your particular niche helps your brand gain traction in the WordPress Sphere.

Check out MonsterInsights for a killer example.

79. Podcast

Podcasts come in three main forms:

80. Poll / Survey

Ask your audience exactly what you want to know.

SurveyMonkey’s Facebook survey gathers info to use as fodder for future content.

81. Predictions

Evidence-based speculation shows confidence and expertise.

Check out our webinar for an evolving prediction about the future of SEO in 2020.

82. Presentation

Who says a slide deck has to be boring?

Boost engagement with a TED Talk, like Dan Cobley’s evergreen presentation.

83. Press Release

Have a major announcement?

Consider sending the details to news outlets in your niche.

Check out awesome examples of using press releases for events from McDonald’s.

84. Profile: Company / Business / Brand

Consider introducing your company with a brief video that profiles your company, business, or brand in a way that humanizes you to your followers.

Phillips uses this method to share their business journey.

85. Profile: Personal

For your personal blog and your guest posts, a catchy bio is essential.

Check out Ann Handley’s bios: in both her short and long version, her personality (and authority) shine through.

86. Promotion

Associate your brand with all your favorite content creators.

Here’s a great example: SquareSpace announces promo codes via podcasts and YouTube channels.

87. Quiz

From silly to educational, everyone loves a fun quiz.

Clickhole is a great example of how to get satirical.

88. Research Report

Poll or quiz your followers and turn it into original research.

Looking for ideas? MarketResearch.com has tons.

89. Screenshots

Got tech-related content?

Explaining a tool, method, or feature?

Check out The Smart Blogger – blogging leader Jon Morrow uses screenshots to help readers quickly get tech in-use.

90. Services

Show what you can do when it comes to your services.

SalesForce optimizes for skimming by using checklists, images, and stats.

91. Social Media

This enormous category of content’s core element is right in the name: social.

Check out how we maintain our brand across platforms, while directly connecting with our audience in real-time.

92. Sponsorships

The new trend in sponsorships: supporting up-and-comers.

Blue Apron reaches a new audience by sponsoring podcasts outside of their niche.

93. Statistics

Relevant statistics are a great tactic to improve your researched content.

It adds more power to your content to quote and source the right statistics.

In fact, using statistics in blogs is proven to improve customer trust. (Yes, that’s a statistic example! From HubSpot.)

Two great sources we recommend: Pew Research Center and Statista.

94. Testimonials

Let your customers do the talking for you!

Testimonial content is some of the best content to pull in ideal leads that share the same pain points.

For example, Hubspot brings ideal customers to the forefront to demonstrate the proveable value.

95. Tools

Tools can be a lifesaver (and expensive).

But free tools? Invaluable.

In addition to tools, calculators can be another popular type of content for your website.

And did we mention they’re great link magnets? Check out How to Earn Links by Creating Free Tools for examples.

96. Video

Video is a powerful format type.

What’s more: you can easily repurpose other content formats into a video.

For example, Julia McCoy turns each single YouTube video she produces into a blog and an email campaign.

Here are a few types of awesome video styles:

  • Live – Unedited and off-the-cuff
  • Video: 360 – Perfect for travel vloggers
  • Video: Playlists – Curated for easy viewing
  • Video: Recorded – Polished, produced, or bare-bones

Joe Rogan streams his podcast live on YouTube (soon, Spotify), which extends his audience and adds a visual element not available to audio-only listeners.

97. Webinar

Whether a webinar is live or on-demand, it connects growing professionals with experts.

hosts regular webinars based on white-hot industry trends.

98. Whitepaper

Help your leads make an informed decision before taking action.

Content Marketing Institute’s whitepaper library features reports demonstrating the viability of brands.

99. Wiki

In an industry with lots of complicated terms?

Seobility simplifies with a niche-specific wiki.

100. Why

Explainer content can be powerful.

An unanswered question is an incredible hook.

Why an Audience Analysis Is Necessary to SEO is an amazing example of why this type of content has to be part of your repertoire.

Build the Right Types & Boost Your Brand: Content Is Everywhere

Every piece of content begins with an idea.

Once you have that great idea, you can use this list of content types to pick the format that will best showcase that idea.

And never limit yourself to one idea, one format.

One idea can be repurposed into multiple formats – text, video, or audio.

The only limit is your imagination!

By creating all the formats when it comes to great content, you’re sure to reach a gigantic, varied audience, build your brand name, and cater to a wide variety of formats your audience loves and consumes.

Go ahead – choose one and get started.

Featured Image Credit: Paulo Bobita
