It’s been quite some time since I shared some tools on researching trends and hot content on Twitter. Today we’ll look at a few tools that allow to discover and keep an eye on hot content shared on Facebook.
Thanks to Recommendations social plugin provided by Facebook, there have been a few interesting projects popping up that allow marketer a deeper insight into what is being shared online.
Discover Hot Content by Domain
1. LikeButton offers a sleek, Facebook-style interface that allows to quickly see which pages from any domain are being shared on Facebook.
The tool lets you see the latest shares as well as recently popular ones.
2. SharedLinks is a very similar one (both in look and functionality) but it only allows to see the latest shares by domain.
Discover Hot Content by Topic / Keyword
3. ItsTrending offers a nice clean interface to browse through hot content in a variety of categories:
- Videos,
- News,
- Images,
- Sports,
- Tech,
- Gaming,
- Entertainment,
- Comedy.
It also has the list of featured sites in the sidebar.
4. MyProps has a more Digg-like interface (I guess it also lets you vote for the hot pages using internal voting system). It can be filtered by categories / topics (Finance, Sports, Politics, etc) as well as by popularity and time-frame:
- Most shared recently,
- Most shared ever
- Newest
- Popular
- Most viewed
Each category has a separate search option.
Each feed can be personalized: if you login using Facebook auth, you will be able to see only stories that are popular with your friends (which is something you can see within Facebook actually).
Lastly, you can switch between list and grid view to better play with the tool.
5. AllThingsNow is another tool with similar functionality which arranges the results a bit differently (so it can actually be the matter of which interface appeals to you more). It can be browsed by category or using the search option.
Unlike the above tool, the search option is not tied to any category, but it is limited to “today’s” results only.